Where's Shawn

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The next day

Topanga: Are you ready to go home Riley *changing Riley into her outfit*

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Topanga: Are you ready to go home Riley *changing Riley into her outfit*

Riley: *watching her mom*

Topanga: You're so cute. I can't believe I am your mother

Topanga finishes dressing Riley than she picks Riley up and cradles her

Topanga: I love you so much

Cory walks in with a sad face

Topanga: What's wrong?

Cory: Shawn's gone

Topanga: *eyes widen* What do you mean gone?

Cory: All of his stuff is gone. His key was left on his bed. He left like 3 months of his paycheck for us

Topanga: Why'd he leave?

Cory: I wish I knew. This is normal for Shawn to just leave, but he usually has a reason. He wouldn't just leave because Heather broke up with him

Topanga: There's something more he didn't tell us

Cory: Hopefully he'll call soon or we'll see him on Christmas

Topanga: Its just us now

Cory: *looks at Riley* It sure is

Topanga: *smiles* Riley missed you

Cory: *smiles big* Oh is she a daddy's girl already *picks Riley up*

Topanga: Yes she is

Cory and Topanga's house

Cory: Welcome home Riley

Topanga: It still hasn't hit me that we're parents

Cory: Me neither

Topanga: *sits on the couch* So I got a call from the Law firm that's interested in me and they said they're willing to help me work around Riley's schedule when she is on one

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