First Christmas

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Christmas Eve

Riley: *crying*

Amy: What's wrong Riley *picks Riley up*

Alan: She's probably hungry

Amy: I'm letting Topanga sleep in

Morgan: Mom your granddaughter is hungry. Are you going to let her starve because her mother is sleeping?

Alan: Its not like you can feed her

Amy: Fine

Amy walks upstairs with Riley in her arms into the spare room and sees Topanga waking up

Amy: Oh good you're awake

Topanga: I heard her crying from downstairs. Its her hungry cry

Amy: Its only been a little over 2 weeks and you already know her cries

Topanga: It wasn't as hard as I thought it just comes naturally

Amy: It took me forever to learn Cory and Eric's cries

Topanga: Really *positions Riley so she can feed and puts a light blanket over her to cover Riley and her chest up*

Amy: Yeah it was easy

Topanga: Its not easy for Cory either. He sometimes gets frustrated

Amy: Yeah he told me. I just told him it doesn't really get easier, but you will learn

Topanga: I don't know what I would do if I didn't have your parenting advice

Amy: You would do just fine. I knew since you were a little girl you would be a great mother

Topanga: *smiles* Thank you

Riley finishes up eating than gets burped. Topanga gets up and get a dressed than joins everyone downstairs

Cory: *walks in* Feeny kicked me out

Morgan: Why?

Cory: I wouldn't stop talking 

Eric: *laughs*

Cory: I don't know why you're laughing, he won't even let you in

Eric: So what

Before the WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora