Meeting the World

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Day before the first day of School

Cory: She's starting 7th grade. This is where is begins

Topanga: Auggie and Riley. Auggie starts kindergarten tomorrow. No more late mornings.

Cory: My daughter is going to be my student. A sentence I thought I would never say

Topanga: *signs*

Auggie walks in

Auggie: Mommy you didn't come wake me up

Topanga: I'm sorry sweety. I was talking to Daddy

Auggie: Its OK *sits at the table*

Cory: This is your last late morning. How do you feel?

Auggie: Excited

Topanga: What?! You're ready to leave Mommy

Auggie: No but I am ready to start kindergarten

Topanga: I know you are

Auggie: We will see each other when I leave school

Topanga: You're right we will

Riley walks in

Riley: Morning conversations without me

Cory: We were just talking about Kindergarten with Auggie

Topanga: Are you excited for 7th grade?

Riley: Yeah I am. Its a new environment. In 7th grade you're not the youngest and you're not the oldest. Everyone appreciates them

Cory: You start my class this year

Riley: Oh yeah. The teachers kid.

Cory: Hey everyone in that class will be like my kid. You've known them since you were Auggie's age. It won't be any different

Riley: I hope not

Topanga: What should we have for breakfast?

Auggie: Out for pancakes. Last day of summer breakfast

Riley: I agree

Cory: Call Maya we'll go get her

Riley: OK


Maya: I love pancakes

Riley: Do you have enough chocolate chips on top?

Maya: I don't have half as much as you

Riley: *smiles* All I taste is chocolate

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