Faceless Bear

556 15 2

November 2012

Riley: School Holiday

Cory: I don't understand school holidays. Thanksgiving is coming up in 2 weeks why is there a student holiday but a teacher work day

Topanga: Maybe the school quarter is changing soon. Teachers need to get grades together

Cory: I would rather be at work with my students than at work without students. That's a boring day

Riley: I like it. Are you working from home Mom?

Topanga: Yes I am Riley

Riley: Yay for how long?

Topanga: Majority of the break, but Maya is coming over so you won't even pay me any attention

Riley: *smiles big*

Cory: Where's my little Lion cub

Auggie begins to whine

Topanga: Right on cue *walks to Auggie's bedroom*

August: Mommy

Topanga: You don't like wake up by yourself

Topanga picks Auggie up and walks him in the bathroom so he can potty and he can transition out of his bedtime diaper into toddler underwear. Once Auggie does his business, Topanga helps him wash his hands and picks him back up into the living room

Cory: My little messy hair lion cub *picks Auggie up*

Riley: You and Auggie have crazy hair when you wake up

Cory: My hair doesn't move

Riley: *laughs*

Topanga: Cory if you don't leave now you're going to be late

Cory: I'm taking the car

Topanga: That's fine

Cory: OK love you guys. Be good for Mommy

Riley: We're always good

Cory: That's right *kisses his children's head and than gives his wife a kiss and leaves the house*

Topanga: Who wants to go to Svorskis in their jammies

Riley: Me!!

Topanga: Auggie you didn't say Me

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