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January 2010

August: *coughing and crying*

Topanga: Oh I hate Winter colds

Riley: I don't have a cold anymore just a small cough

Topanga: That's great but you catch things just like your father so stay away from your brother

Riley: But he needs me

Topanga: I need you not to get sick again

Riley: OK I will draw Auggie a picture

Topanga: That would be nice thank You

Riley runs into the living room where her father is watching the Phillies baseball game

Cory: Hey Riley what are you doing?

Riley: Drawing a picture for Auggie. He is still sick

Cory: Yeah I know Mommy told me to stay away

Riley: Me too *sits at the table with her crayons, markers, and paper and begins drawing*

Doorbell rings

Cory: Who could that be?

Riley: Not Maya she comes through the window

Cory: *gets up and opens the door than screeches at what he sees and closes the door shut*

Riley: Who was it Daddy

Topanga comes in holding a sleeping August

Topanga: Cory why did you slam the door?

Cory: Well um...uhh

Riley: Someone is at the door

Topanga: Who? Open the door Cory

Cory: OK *opens the door with a nervous smile*

Topanga: *gasps and eyes widen*

Riley: What's going on? Who are they?

Topanga: Mom? Dad?

Rhiannon: Topanga! Sweetheart we missed you

They walk in while Cory shuts the door

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