Auggie's Birthday

547 17 2

August 2013

Auggie: *walks in his parents room and jumps on their bed* Wake up! Wake up! Mommy! Daddy! Wake up!

Cory: *turns over* Topanga I think there is a monkey jumping on our bed

Topanga: You're dreaming Cory go back to sleep

Cory: OK

Auggie: *keeps jumping* No No wake up! Wake up!

Topanga: *looks at Auggie with a smile* You were right Cory there is a monkey on our bed

Cory: I knew it

Cory and Topanga sit up

Auggie: *giggles* Guess what today is

Cory: Independence day?

Topanga: First day of school?

Auggie: No No its about me?

Topanga: Is it your first lost tooth day?

Auggie: No Mommy its my birthday. I am 4

Cory: *gasps* Your birthday! Its your birthday!

Topanga: Birthday tickles

Cory and Topanga grab Auggie and begin tickling him and Auggie is laughing really hard

Riley: *walks in* Did I miss something?

Topanga: Apparently its your brother's 4th birthday. We're giving him birthday tickles

Riley: Not without me

Riley jumps on the bed and joins her parents in the tickle fest

Auggie: Stop it! Stop it!

Cory: What's the magic word?

Auggie: Please stop tickling me! I am going to pee

They stop tickling Auggie

Riley: Happy Birthday Auggie!

Auggie: Thank You Riley

Riley: You get to start prekindergarten 4 this year

Auggie: I am excited

Riley: You should be. I am going to go get your present *walks out if the room*

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