Chapter 13: Phone call

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Fiona's pov: I circled today on my calender and started to get up for breakfast. I see a note on the table " Fiona I had to go out for a couple minutes take care of you're self.~ Joji" it read and I left it on the table and grabbed a bowl of cereal to eat on the couch. I watched the only movie frank had and that was a sticky copy of chef that I washed off to put in the dvd player, while the movie played I decided to take a shower and clean my side of the room since there was nothing else to do while Joji was out.

Joji's pov: I went to go grab something from the store that I forgot to get yesterday and now I was heading home on the subway. When I get to the apartment it seemed a little different and I hear some sort of music playing in the bedroom so putting the bag down I go over to the bedroom and open the door only to see one side of the room really clean and then the other half looking like complete shit. "Show off no fair you have time!" I playfully complain to Fiona and she laughs a little "Alright just get you're homework done and I'll let you hang out with me for the day sound like a deal?" I ask Fiona and she nods excitedly grabbing her laptop. While I had Fiona distracted I started cleaning up best I could of my side and I eventually got it done in 5 minutes, I go to the living room and see that chef is in the dvd player "wait the only copy I have is the one we used in the..." I start thinking and it I come to a realization that Fiona washed off the hair cake DVD of chef and I instantly cringed knowing the backstory why it was sticky.

Fiona's pov: I finish my homework and go to tell Joji when I see him on the phone and I kinda backed away in case it was an important call but he said I could sit next to him. I watch whatever was on the T.V. and then Joji passes me the phone saying that someone wanted to talk to me so I say hello and all I hear is someone say "MY NAME IS JEFFF!" And I instantly grinned knowing it was Max and I responded with "have you've seen chef?" And  max laughs then continues to say"So I've heard you're counting the days till the next trip huh?" And I knew Joji told him but I was a little embarrassed "Maybe I have so what Max?" I replied and he started talking about how I shouldn't be all worked up about it and that he was proud of me when Joji told him my progress in school.

Joji's pov: We finally got off the phone with max and Fiona rested on my lap and I could tell that she still missed Max and Ian, I sighed and decided the best thing to do was to have fun so she wouldn't be such a downer. I instantly got up and grabbed my keys and made Fiona get on my back for a piggyback ride "Joji where are we even going?!" She asked and when we got in the elevator I just said "WERE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!" And started walking towards the subway station. We got off at a stop and Fiona got on my back again and we walked through central park laughing at jokes we made and we looked through the flowers near the greenhouse. It was about 5 when our adventure ended and I decided it was time to head home before it got dark. When we got home Fiona went in our room and was so tired she passed out on my bed instead of hers, I sighed lifting her up then placed her in the right bed and tucked her in for the night.

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