Character analysis: Joji

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A/N: Writing a normal chapter later tonight but for now enjoy this analysis on how he is as a parent.

Thoughts on Fiona: He thinks she is way to childish but doesn't mind it one bit and has become  a very protective father over the past couple months. He wants Fiona to be a healthy person so he put a child lock on the junk food cabinet because he doesn't trust her at all when it comes to dessert, He also wants her not to get sick when it's cold out so that means sweaters and pants are a go to outfit when it's cold outside.

Parenting facts (basically moments he has with Fiona)

1. He will let Fiona sleep in his bed if she can't fall asleep even if they read around 5 books.
2. He will always pick her up if she's tired or if she falls asleep in a werid place he'll pick her up and take her back to bed
3. Joji let Fiona play around with his long hair until he cut it
4. He supports her in anyway he can

Adopted by Flithy Frank\ Joji MillerWhere stories live. Discover now