Chapter 22: Making Music

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Joji's pov:  I saw Fiona reading a book on the couch and sat next to her wondering what book she was reading. "Hey Fiona whatcha reading?" I asked holding my music journal "Old yeller I have to read it for one of classes and I saw you had a copy." She responded. I saw she was almost done with it so I asked her to read the ending for me  "He was my dog I'll do it.." Fiona read and then I started thinking about the ending after she finished and got an idea.

Fiona's pov: After I finished the ending I started working on the worksheet when Joji told me "Hey play the beat you made during Movie night." And I nodded and started to play it in another tab so I can still work and when I needed the book I couldn't find it only to see Joji using it so I had to wait. When I finished my work Joji told me to read into the Mic and I was a little surprised to be in his music but he seemed very serious and then started singing the lyrics he wrote.

Joji's pov: I was pretty proud of this song since my inspiration for it came from Fiona and she had a 1 second line in the beginning saying back of the shed.  After I finished the song I let Fiona judge and she kept listening to it on repeat so that meant she really liked it. I posted it  After Fiona gave it a 5/5 and  I was really happy that this was our first song we've made together.

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