Chapter 50: Bleach is key

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Fiona's pov: I yawn and rub my eyes, Me and joji have been relaxing and haven't had any adventures except when Joji  got his haircut and I stabbed my hand with the scissors but that's  a story for another time. I walk over to the kitchen with my glasses on my head cause my eyes hurt and go to open the fridge slipping on my glasses to grab the milk, Once I put the milk on the counter I look at the clock only to see what looked like blood on the wall and on closer examination the whole house was a wreck and I get start to get really frustrated. "JOJI!" I scream angrily and he comes out of the room looking at me and says "Someone's on their period whats wrong kid?"  "You're whats wrong look at apartment I cleaned it yesterday!" I said and Joji looked at me and I instantly knew that I made him feel guilty.  I eat my cereal in the room since it's the only room that isn't destroyed and Joji walks in slowly and says "Hey Fi I know you cleaned yesterday sorry about that but can you buy more cleaning supplies? I'll clean for today." he then handed me a list and I nodded pulling on my sneakers but before I left I hear joji yell "Don't Forget your scarf It's freezing outside you'll get sick!"  making me roll my eyes and mumble "Yes mother.." as I wrapped the red scarf around my neck. I walked into the Walgreens and headed straight into the cleaning isle and found the first item which was Bleach and we needed 2 bottles of it but as a joke I sent Ariel a pic of me "drinking" it and said "When they tell you to kys.", the next item was windex and I grabbed it along with the third item which was baking soda. I checked out and Headed home kicking most of the melted snow out of my way, I walked in and dropped the bags on the floor and sat down trying to pry off my soaked shoes as Joji started to grab the mop and rags  "Please don't mess this up." I said finally getting one of my shoes off and Joji rolled his eyes and repiled with  "Says the girl who can't take of her shoes." making me glare at him. 

Joji's pov: I started to mop and Fiona played Gorillaz on my stereo so it wouldn't be as quiet and awkward, I kept mopping until the whole house smelt of bleach and Fiona complained about it but I still had to clean the walls and the stove. While I was cleaning Fiona was looking outside the balcony and watering the plants I had when I heard a familiar tune, "ICE CREAM TRUCK!" Fiona yelled running inside and grabbed her rain boots slipping them on and running out to get ice cream even though it was practically -50 degrees outside and she walked back inside with hot chocolate, chips, and a red nose. "I don't care what you say it was totally worth it." Fiona said taking a sip from her drink "Well you're gonna be sick tomorrow I mean look at your nose its redder than the fake blood in the toilet."  I exclamied and she smirked "Oh that was fake? thought you had your man period." she said and we both started to laugh. I finally finished cleaning after 2 hours and threw myself onto the couch almost killing Fiona in the process, I looked at Fiona and she looked back and said "Joji there is nothing we can do from here." "I realize that but what do you want me to do?" "Nothing lets just wait for the day to end and see what tomorrow holds." She said looking out into the distance.

A/N: Legit no ideas for this chapter but there will be a normal one tomorrow promise. 

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