Chapter 46: Figure 8

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Fiona's pov: Joji let me take a short walk around the apartment buildings so I could get some fresh air and while I was walking I saw a flyer, "Ice skating in central park December 2 - December 20th" It read and I grab it to show Joji when I got home. "Hey Fiona lunch is ready." Joji says I walk in and I nod handing him the flyer as I sat down at the table to eat the sandwich he made me, Joji reads it on the couch and says "Wanna go tonight we have no plans." I nod not wanting to get a lecture for talking with my mouth full. "Joji do you even know how to ice skate?" I ask sitting next to him and he shakes his head "Nah but they have instructors there to teach us." He says, "Joji I want hot chocolate!" I say hiding under a blanket an he shook his head "You drank it all last night." "Hey who said I drank it?!" "Me and the 3 empty pokemon mugs in the sink" Joji says smirking making me pout and turn away from him. "Joji my hot chocolate!" I say whining but he just picks me up from the blankets to put me in our room "Wait in here I'll go buy some ok just stay warm I don't want you to turn into a popsicle." I nod as he dropped me into my bed.

Joji's pov: I go down to the nearest cvs by our house and pick up at least 10 boxes of hot chocolate to last this whole winter. I walk back home and see a little bit of melted snow on the floor knowing that when it really snows Fiona would want to play outside, I sigh as I walk inside and she a lump of pillows and blankets on the floor  "Fiona I got the hot chocolate get up." I say poking the pile of blankets but she wouldn't get up from the pile so I made the hot chocolate anyway thinking I could get her out that way. Once I was done I put the cup next to the pile of blankets and Fiona rises saying "I'M ALIVE!" As she drank the hot chocolate very quickly which burned her tongue making her complain about it, "Fiona Stop drinking it so fast you'll get a stomach ache kiddo." I said riffing up her hair which made her giggle a bit "Such a child.." I say when Fiona death glares me "I'm not a child I'm a teen God dad." "that was edgy as fuck now keep drinking before I ground you." I say teasing her and Fiona shakes her head as she watched the T.V.

Fiona's pov: It was Finally time to go Ice skating but Joji kept complaining on how I wasn't warm enough to go outside yet while we were getting ready,"I just don't want you catching a cold in this weather." He said wrapping a scarf around my neck "Ok mom I'll put on some earmuffs on to." I say sarcastically making Joji roll his eyes. We get to the park and there is barely any kids skating around so Joji goes over to get skates and an instructor to teach us the basics, We get our instructor which was a girl with red hair "Hi I'm Frankie I'll be teaching you how to skate and  how not hurt yourself while skating." She said with a smile and Joji nodded as he tied his skates and tied mine. "Alright so I think it would be easier if you guys held hands is that ok?" Frankie said and we both said ya and I Gripped Joji's hand tightly as we went onto the ice , "Fiona You're ok watch I'll let go and you can stand by yourself promise." Joji says calmly as we slowly let go which made me panic "JOJI COME BACK!" I said as he skated away from me and I slowly scooted as Frankie taught me how to skate so I could go with Joji. I quickly learned shockingly and I started to try and do a figure 8 with Joji but instead while I was doing it Joji quickly grabbed my hand and made me skate with him, luckily I didn't fall when he did this but we had lots of fun. "Fiona watch this." Joji says as he swirls and makes a spiral on the ice leaving me impressed "well watch this!" I said as I made a tiny figure 8 and Joji clapped making me laugh, We finally left after getting tuckered out. Once we got home I instantly put on my kigurumi and ran into Joji's arms so he could tuck me in for the night.

Joji's pov: After I tucked Fiona in I cleaned up her whole mess of blankets and relaxed only having 3 hours of peace before Fiona would wake up and go over to my bed or come into the living room to grab a midnight snack. I sigh as I looked around and decided to water the plants and stay outside for a bit, As I stayed inside I felt something tug my sleeve making me jump "Sorry dad I didn't wanna scare you but I couldn't sleep.." Fiona said tirelessly and I looked at her with pity "I'll read you something till you fall asleep ok? I'll be right there just choose a book." I said as Fiona nodded and ran off  "Such a child.." I told myself before going over to read Fiona's favorite book the "Blackrock chronicles".

A/N: who ever gets the blackrock reference I love you.

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