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Under normal circumstances he would speak his mind, but, with a gun against his head, he lacked the ability to speak up. In fact, he was scared shitless. All his bravado had fled him.

The bank seemed to be moving along, business as usual. Then everything went to hell in a hand-basket. Three armed men stormed in, disabled the cameras and alarms, and began their terror. They had already killed two people. A poor teller, and the bank manager.

Why wasn't he doing his job? He was a security guard after all. But no. He was a coward. They stripped him of his weapon, and now stood above him with a gun to his head, more than ready to make an example of him.

Poor Marie. She had two kids. Her husband was out of work. Now they had no one. And Randy. He was a pompous ass, but he didn't deserve to be shot in the back.

Now those bodies lie in the center of the bank lobby, bleeding away. Their deaths were pointless. They hadn't tried to be heroes.

And here he was, on his knees. The gun pressed to his head.

Two of the bank robbers were gathering their loot, terrifying those customers and employees just to see the fear and the tears. Grown men softly crying like children. Whispered prayer to god hushed though the lobby.

What could he do? No gun. No plan. No balls. A gutless coward.

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