Day and Night

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The night was dark and beautiful. A thick fog had rolled in, a mist from the humidity hanging in the air. It was really hot and muggy this time of year.

The watery mist in the air stuck to your flesh like a slick second skin. To some it would be uncomfortable. Not me. I liked it.

The nocturnal animals and insects were making their music. Crickets, toads, night birds. From time to time you could hear an owl give a hoot, luckier still if you could catch a glimpse of one swooping down to snatch up a wayward field mouse for its dinner.

I sit here on my front porch, taking it all in. The smell of the honeysuckle and lilac in my garden is strong, that mugginess in the air making the blooms even more fragrant.

If I could, I would stay here forever.

I've already been sitting here all night, smoking cigarettes and sipping a lemonade. Technically, its morning. The dark before the dawn. That's when it's the darkest.

From my hidden home, I can just make out the car headlights through the fog way down on the small dirt road my home is hidden on. People are waking, people are getting up and about, starting their day early. Most of them heading off to jobs they hate.

Not me. There is a payment for what I have done. No daytime for me. No sunshiny days. No sweet sun kissed skin.

The sky lightens just a bit. The black gives way to deep blue. That is my cue.

Bedtime for me, lest the horrible sunlight strike me down, leaving me to ashes.

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