A good father

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His solution to the problem of having two children to care for, was to find another woman to do the job. How could he do that, however, without looking suspicious?

To all the known world, his wife had passed away from natural causes. Sure, it looked like it. No one really questioned it. Her health had deteriorated so slowly. He was a patient man. And as his wife wasted away, relatives and friends had helped her with the children while he worked diligently to support the family, spending long hours at work.

He started to despise his wife into the second year of their marriage. Divorce wasn't an option, especially when she turned up pregnant. She got fat. She got ugly. Then she ended up pregnant again soon after. It was a night of one of his drinking binges when he couldn't be with the one he wanted.

Despite his dread of his mate, he loved being a dad. Most of the time. He didn't want to give them up to a relative. He wanted them, there in their home. He didn't want to hire a nanny. That would just eat away at the lovely amounts of insurance money and settlement fee's he'd been paid off on charging the doctors with 'negligent' practices.

He wanted to bring his love into the picture, but it was too soon to have a girlfriend hanging off his arm, all happy and smiles. Worse yet, to remarry. He didn't want to traumatize his children either, by rushing things. They were still mourning. Still grieving. They were very young and could hardly grasp why mommy had never woken up. Constant questions of 'where is mommy?' and 'when will she be back?'.

He decided, finally, to at least introduce his lover to his children. Small steps. Baby steps. To the outside world, and to his children for now, she was just a friendly co-worker.

They had dinner together. It was a nice evening. The children seemed to like her a good bit. She even volunteered to tuck the children into their bed all snug and sound.

She came back downstairs, a beautiful smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around him.

Her lips so close to his ear, her voice loving and sweet.

"The children are taken care of. You dispose of the bodies..."

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