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The accident wasn't her fault, or so she tried to tell herself. A deer had come leaping out in front of her car, she simply swerved to avoid it. But the consequences were so crushing. Her one action led to a chain reaction all around her on the highway. Others swerved to avoid hitting her car, and other swerved to avoid those other.

Somewhere, somehow, someone had completely lost control. Cars were crashing into one another. There were screams, and smoke and fire.

And there was blood.

She tried helping everyone she could. She didn't have a scratch on her.

So much blood covered her now. Other people's blood.

All because of her simple action. What was she supposed to do? Hit the deer? Swerving from it just... happened. It was a natural knee jerk reaction.

A reaction. A chain reaction.

She was at fault for all these lives she pretty much ruined by her actions.

She made her way down the long line of swerved and stalled vehicles. Some on their sides. She saved everyone she could. Some people were dead. Others helped her remove them from the charring wreckage of their vehicles.

Then she heard it. It was a little too late, however.

Was this what karma was?

The semi came upon the scene, the driver must have been lost in thought. He was too slow to react.

His big rig barreled into the line of already smoking, burning and crushed vehicles.

She was caught in the grill. He probably didn't even know he hit her, or that she was there.

It was a slow, painful death. Being dragged, then smashed into a vehicle.

Her last thought was of both her own guilt, and a fleeting image of a deer leaping off into the woodlands.

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