Self Defense

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She had to find the door, before he managed to wake and find her. This little game of his was no longer funny.

He had taken a lovely evening and turned into something sadistic. Did he think she enjoyed being scared? Did he think she enjoyed being threatened? She wasn't into the whole S&M thing. She didn't like being made to feel inferior. Lower. She certainly didn't like to be talked down to or made to beg.

She had grabbed her clothing up, slipping it on sloppily while heading for the door of the bedroom, cursing the entire way. She had wanted sex, but not like this.

He chased her down, all the while she was telling him off. He got angry once they reached the kitchen. He grabbed her roughly by the arm.

What she did was pure survival instinct kicking in. She grabbed a pan off the stove and knocked him over the head, effectively taking him down.

She had to get out of here before he woke.

She ran from room to room. She hadn't realized his place was so big.

Finally, she found the front door, opening it and running out into the night air. Should she report him? Would he report her? It was self-defense!

She wasn't quite sure what to do. So she took off down the street, hoping to find a landmark she recognized that would help lead her home.

She'd feel safe once home. If the cops came, they came. She was pretty sure he wasn't going to call the cops though.

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