Moving On

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Olivia sat on the floor, her eyes pouring over the letters scattered about. They had once been stuffed into shoe boxes, each stack of twenty wrapped lovingly in a silken ribbon.

Her heart ached. All these pretty words she had received. All the pretty words she would never receive again.

All these love letters. Hundreds. Years of a loving relationship. But he was gone now. Not to another woman, but lost to the clutches of death.

They had never married. They lived together for a while, but neither wanted to really leave their home city to settle. So they met on weekends and spent all holidays together.

They never had children. Some of her friends chastised her for this. They should have married and started a family.

She never listened. She, and he, were content with their relationship as it was. Letters everyday. Time stolen together when they could. Hours spent on the phone and Skype.

So many years. He never cheated when he had plenty of opportunities. She remained faithful to him as well.

Death had taken him. A terrible accident. She had no one to blame, and really, she felt no anger.

She just felt an overwhelming sense of loss. Mourning was quite natural.

She looked over the stacks of letters again before hefting herself up off the floor.

It was time to put these things away. Not to throw them out. Oh, no, never.

But it was time for life to move on.

She picked up her glass of wine and strolled to the bathroom. Fresh start, heal her grieving heart.
A fresh look, perhaps.

She looked herself over in the mirror. She kept the same hairstyle for him all those years. He liked it. Long and flowing, with a slight natural curls.

It was time to start with herself. A simple haircut and new style. Something easy to style on her own, with many variations.

She sighed. She didn't want to leave the house. But she had to. Had to move on. Had to rejoin life again.

She slipped her shoes on, slinging her purse over her shoulder and headed out into the big brave world.

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