Just Like A Grandad

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Title: Just Like A Grandad

Pairings: Mention of ShunUki

Words: 642

Warnings: Female Ukitake. Spoilers for those who haven't seen the Zanpakutō ark of the series?

Captain-Commander's voice was once again droning on and on during their weekly captain's meeting. The same words, the same tone of voice, the same pieces of information over and over again. It was as regular as clockwork now so the captains paid little attention, all nodding their heads at the appropriate time without listening. It was a skill they had perfected over the years.

However, this time they were all staring at their elder, some with eyes wide in disbelief while Captain Ukitake and a few selected others who have known Old man Yamamoto longer, they were trying to hide the chortles and chuckles from reaching the surface.

Ukitake was trying to stop herself from laughing lightly, but she was unable to hide the look of motherly fondness at her sensei, or more specifically, at the two identical twin boys that were clambering about over him, laughing and poking him childishly.

Her Zanpakutō, Sougyo No Kotowari had been feeling restless lately, the cause of which was her fault, you see, as she had learnt some surprising but welcoming news recently and she could barely contain her excitement. Her Zanpakutō instantly reacted to her excited state, coming forth from her blade and immediately throwing themselves at her, thrilled to bits.

"I apologize, Sensei," Ukitake said as she managed to suppress a soft laugh. "But you know how children can be."

"All too well," Captain-Commander Yamamoto grumbled in reply as he tried to continue the Captain's meeting, ignoring Sougyo as he tugged on his beard and Kotowari playfully patting the very top of his hairless head, neither one concerned of the powerful elder.

Ukitake tried to listen to her sensei as he explained something of upmost importance, but all she could concentrate on was watching her Zanpakutō climb all over her sensei, the much older man actually letting them, acting much like a grandfather instead of a powerful figure of the Seireitei. In fact, Kotowari almost fell off his shoulder at one stage, only to have her sensei catch him before he hit the ground and propped him back upon his shoulder, not once missing a beat in his well organized spiel.

Although she enjoyed watching her Sensei act like a patient grandfather, Ukitake could feel the other captains become slightly uneasy at the rare, but slightly weird sight.

"Sougyo No Kotowari," she called to her Zanpakutō, the twins immediately lifting their gazes toward her expectantly. "Come to me, please. Leave Captain-Commander alone for a moment."

The twins immediately scurried to her side, each one grasping her hand in theirs.

"They are as close as to grandchildren I will receive, most likely." Her sensei actually made a joke, which lightened the mood a little.

Ukitake found herself unable to stop a bright smile from appearing on her lips, her cheeks aglow with a sense of excitement. Sougyo and Kotowari immediately felt her energized state and hugged her around the waist, tugging on her kimono, asking her if she was going to tell them yet. Even though there was some distance between her and Kyouraku, she could hear him give a half chuckle as well, knowing exactly what her twins were referring too. Even Unohana gave a light, airy laugh, sounding to the other captains that they know something they don't.

"Actually, Sensei," Ukitake said as she moved from her position in the Captain's line up, setting herself in the centre of the room and the centre of attention. "I have something I would like to inform you of, if I may?"

Yamamoto looked intrigued as did the other captains. "Proceed."

She shared a quick look with Shunsui, who nodded back to her. With a smile, she said proudly, "Captain Kyouraku and I are expecting our first child."

The sound of a few bodies hitting the floor soon followed, but for once, Ukitake didn't care.

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