A Kiss Good Night

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Title: A Kiss Good Night

Pairings: ShunUki

Words: 928

Warnings: A bit of kissing, and of course, Yaoi.

Suddenly finding himself pressed up against a wall just outside his Division, Ukitake murmured an appreciative sigh when a pair of strong arms encircled his waist as a hot and talented mouth smothered his, the taste of Sake and spring flowers immediately overtaking all his senses. Wrapping his arms around Shunsui's neck, Ukitake returned the kiss with as much passion as he was receiving, grateful to have the wall as well as Shunsui's arms like steel around his slender frame supporting him.

And he really needed the support. Shunsui's kisses always left him completely weak at the knees, despite the many, many years they've shared together.

"Hm, Shunsui..." Ukitake whimpered when Shunsui drew out the end of the kiss with slow caress of his tongue against the roof of his mouth before turning his attention to his neck. Teeth and lips nipped at the delicate skin, leaving him completely at his mercy. "S-Shun, w-wait..."

"I know," Shunsui whispered with understanding against his neck, still lightly nipping at the skin. "Not tonight. You're exhausted." He then finally, yet reluctantly, pulled away to deliver a soft kiss to his lips. "Goodnight, beloved Juu-Chan, make sure you get plenty of rest."

Sighing, Ukitake nodded as he ran his hands down Shunsui's arms, offering the taller man a loving smile. "Tomorrow night, Shun, I promise."

"Look forward to it," Shunsui said with his usual lazy drawl and smile before abruptly pulling him firmly against his chest, kissing him soundly on the lips and pulling away. He then dipped his straw hat in his direction before sauntering away with an overly confident swagger. A strut only he could do.

Ukitake fell back against the wall with a somewhat dreamy expression on his face. That man, he still made him feel as if he was the only thing in this world that really mattered.

Suddenly, a lamp came on and he found himself staring at three of his Division members; Rukia, Sentaro and Kiyone, all of which were standing in front of him in a semi-circle, arms crossed over their chests firmly and all mimicking expressions that were just brimming with protectiveness, suspicion and accusation.

Ukitake felt a small tremor of uneasiness race down his spine.

"And where have you been, young man?" Rukia asked him with a terse tisk in her tone, her posture nor expression faltering in the slightest. She looked just like a disapproving parent; brow furrowed, eyes blazing into his, arms folded tightly over her chest as she tapped her foot impatiently on the floor.

However, Ukitake had been around far too long to be intimidated...even if she was a little bit scary.

"Er... I'm older than you," Ukitake replied slowly with a deadpan voice.

Kiyone huffed loudly as she blatantly ignored his response, she too looking far more menacing that he was used to. "You better have a good excuse for staying out all night."

A quick succession of blinks followed before Ukitake pointed out the window, at the still darken sky. "It's still night…"

"You had us worried sick!" Sentaro butted in loudly, surprisingly, Kiyone not retaliating, instead, she agreed with him. Not an insult, not a threat, simply a nodding of the head. It caused Ukitake to shiver from the whole uncharacteristic-ness of it all. Was the world as they know it coming to an end?

"...Sorry?" Ukitake found himself squeaking in reply.

"Where were you?" Rukia questioned, her appearance still highly daunting.

Ukitake swallowed thickly. "I was just-"

"By yourself again?" Kiyone interrupted with a terse question.

"Well, no-"

"Who were you with?" Sentaro practically growled, guarding abundant in not only his voice, but his eyes as well, quite literally blazing protectiveness.

"I was with - hang on," Ukitake said as he suddenly straightened his posture, disgruntled realization filtering across his features as he abruptly placed his hands on his hips and glared at the three before him. "Why should I be explaining myself to you three? I'm the captain here!"

"We're just looking out for you," Rukia was quick to point out, her disapproving expression faltering greatly.

"That's right," Kiyone agreed readily as she nodded her head almost frantically.

And next to her, Sentaro did the same thing, the three of them not quite as menacing as previously. "We don't want anything to happen to you, that's all."

Ukitake was unable to hide the wince from his response. The old guilt trip, huh?

"Fine, if you must know," Ukitake finally said after a pregnant pause, relenting to his subordinates' questioning. "I was out on a date with Shunsui." That earned him a few gasps. "I had fun, we kissed." A couple of coos from the girls and a frown from Sentaro. "And we're doing it all over again tomorrow."

From the expressions on his subordinates' faces he was pretty certain that was what they wanted to hear from him, to finally confess that, yes, he was indeed dating Shunsui. He walked right into that one, but you know what? He didn't care! If his subordinates cared enough to worry over him, then they shouldn't care if he was dating his best friend, right?

Only logic, right?

Anyway, wait until they start dating. Oh, he'll give them the third degree when they return late from a date.

"Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to bed," he said as he brushed past them with a self-preserved air of dignity, but not before pausing to send his subordinates a certain look. "Something you three should be doing as well."

The three younger reapers promptly disappeared from sight.

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