What Sparring Leads To

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Title: What Sparring Leads To

Pairings: ShunUki

Words: 855

Warnings: Um, none really. A tiny hint of Yaoi?

You know you were getting on in years when you can't remember the last time you decided to take a pair of promising youths under your wing to train them to become stronger. However, in all his years, Yamamoto had yet to come across such an enigmatic pair of soon-to-be Soul Reapers.

It was almost exciting in a way. One of his students was the prime example on how a Reaper should be; poised, humble, dedicated and sincere.

Juushiro Ukitake; kind, polite, understanding and very charismatic. He could draw you in with his warm, friendly smile, his eyes holding a gentle gaze. Despite his fragile and delicate frame, he was strong in the mind and most importantly, in the heart. He was indeed a rarity within the Soul Society, in spite of his illness that often left him bedridden for days on end.

Some even claim that he would be no good of a Soul Reaper, his illness making him weak and a burden to many. However, he was still here, in the academy, gaining the highest scores in every class and progressing stunningly well.

How someone so gentle and, well, sophisticated could be friends with that girl chasing cad, Shunsui Kyouraku, he could not fathom and he doubt he ever will. And chances are he'd sleep better at night not knowing what was going on in these youngsters' minds.

Yes, his other student seemed to be Juushiro's opposite in just about every way. Lazy, obnoxiously smug, sleeps during class and often plays pranks in order to get out of class. It was utterly infuriating to many how he would sleep during lessons and still managed to keep pace with Juushiro in the test results.

However, despite Shunsui's outrageous behaviour that left his teachers and instructors completely frazzled and tired on his off days, he was very perceptive, able to read between the lines and see a person for whom they truly are. And he was honest, to the point of being too frank and straightforward, that side of him showing through blatantly whenever Juushiro was involved.

It was obviously that he cared deeply for Juushiro, all of which while not being too smothering of the younger male. He was strong and intelligent in every sense of the word – if he bothered to get up off his ass and actually do something, that is.

So, in turn, it was a rare treat to watch Shunsui spare with Juushiro under his own free will, after class.

It was at times like these that Yamamoto could really reflect on how strong his students were and how far they've come. And he always made sure to watch without their knowledge so he could see the real them, knowing that his presence could sometimes cause others to feel overwhelmed.

The sparing continued, both male seeming to be having a sense of enjoyment in their training. Then Shunsui had managed to get the upper hand, sweeping Juushiro's legs out from underneath him before swiftly pinning him to the mat, both of them panting heavily from their strenuous movements. And now, for the finishing blow...

Yamamoto felt his eyebrow twitch.

He didn't know what kind of lessons the instructors of the academy were teaching their students, but winning a sparring match by pinning your opponent to the mat and kissing them senseless should not be a part of their education.

And your opponent should definitely not encourage such behaviour by wrapping their arms around their necks and pulling them closer, laughing softly while doing so.

Yamamoto promptly remembered why it had been so long since he had an understudy; damn kids messing about and falling in love.

Stepping from his hiding spot and tapping his cane on the hard flooring, Yamamoto immediately gain the attention of his two students, both of which looked surprised by his unexpected appearance.

Juushiro's reaction was instant; pushing Shunsui off of him, letting him hit the tatami mats with a thud as he sprung to his feet. He bowed apologetically while a flaring blush tinted his porcelain features. "My apologies, sensei," he stuttered with an air of embarrassment.

Shunsui, however, continued to lay sprawled out on the mats, seeming uncaring of his presence. In fact, he rolled over to rest on his side, resting his head in his hand as he leaned on his elbow, that conceited smile of his on his lips. "Meh, Sensei, didn't know you liked to watch."

Yamamoto twitched again while Juushiro snapped his attention to his friend, er, boyfriend, looking mortified by what he just said, but Shunsui just continued to grin like the Impish Cad that he was.

A swift kick the ribs quickly wiped that smile off his face. "Fifty laps around the courtyard. Now."

With an incoherent mumble, Shunsui stagged to his feet, clutching his side as he did so before going on to complete his task. But not before slapping Juushiro on the butt, smiling cheekily and flashstepping away, leaving a still blushing heavily Juushiro behind.

Yamamoto promised to give him another kick for good measure later.

Damn kids these days. They make him feel really old.

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