Gift Exchanged

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Title: Gift Exchanged

Pairings: ShunUki

Words: 898

Warnings: Kissing!

Shunsui had always enjoyed getting gifts for Ukitake, be it for his birthday, for Christmas or just a simple little get-well gift to make him feel better when he had been ordered to spend a night or two within Division Four.

The gift themselves weren't anything expensive as Ukitake would immediately and humbly decline any gifts he deemed costly, politely informing whoever gave him the present that he was not worthy of such a lavish contribution. And the gifts were most certainly not a novelty item, a present of the sake of giving something away.

No, Shunsui knows his best friend better than anyone and knew the balance of gift-giving better than anyone. He always made sure to get dear, sweet Juu-Chan the best gifts. And, dare he boast, he was good at it.

However, there was one very good reason Shunsui always gave Ukitake surprise gifts and that was because of the 'thanks' he would get in return. He loved watching his precious Juu-Chan's expression brighten in warm excitement and he adored the way he would gush over his present like it was the most precious item in the world. But most importantly he loved the way Ukitake would kiss him on the cheek, his stunning brown eyes sparkling in gratitude.

No one was more adorable.

Folding his arms into his captain's haori, Shunsui hummed happily to himself as his fingers brushed over the little gift he had for Ukitake. Poor Juu-Chan hadn't been feeling well and had to take a couple of days off from his duties, which resulted in paperwork being backlogged.

And this gift was sure to lighten his spirit.

Brushing passed the two boisterous third seats with barely a look, the two doing nothing to stop him. They've long grown accustomed to Shunsui coming and going as he pleased, often hiding from Nanao when she was in one of her 'mean' moods, making him do paperwork.

"Juu-Chan!" Shunsui practically sang as he swept flamboyant manner into Ukitake's office.

Ever dutiful of his responsibilities, Ukitake was sitting at his desk, paperwork littered everywhere. Placing down his brush, Ukitake turned, his eyes shimmering with mirth. "Ah, Shunsui," he greeted, indicating silently that he was happy for the distraction, before he titled his head to the side cutely. "Finished your paperwork, then?"

Shunsui smiled widely and puffed his chest out. "Of course I have."

A gentle laugh bubbled from Ukitake's lips and he shook his head. "Alright, let's pretend that I believe you, shall we?"

Shunsui flopped down next to him, granting his long-time friend the best puppy-dog eyes he could manage. "You always believe me, don't you, Juu-chan?"

"Yes, yes, of course," Ukitake smiled as he reached out to pat Shunsui on the arm. "What can I do for you, Shunsui?"

Again, Shunsui smiled broadly, his hand reaching into his haori. "I've got a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" Ukitake asked, immediately perking up in interest.

Shunsui couldn't help but chuckle, giving Ukitake a knowing yet teasing look. "Interested?"

Ever adorable, Ukitake nodded his head, not saying a word as his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Again, Shunsui chuckled. A mere moment later he pulled out a little bag, tied in a pretty red bow. He reached forward and gently took Ukitake's hand in his, turning his palm upwards. There, he placed the gift. He then leaned back, folding his arms to watch Ukitake's cute little reaction.

And he was certain he would get one. These chocolates were his favourites, after all.

Tilting his head to the side, Ukitake carefully undid the bow. As the ribbon fell away, Ukitake's eyes widened and he made an oh-so adorable sound of delight.

"Oh, Shun, these are my favorite!" Ukitake immediately stated, holding the chocolates close. "Thank you."

And just as Shunsui had been hoping, Ukitake carefully placed his gift upon his desk where he then proceed to lean over to him. He placed his hands on Shunsui's knees, his face moving closer to his. His beautiful brown eyes slip close as his lips move to press a gentle kiss to Shunsui's cheek.

However, at the last second, Shunsui slyly turned his head so Ukitake touched his lips instead. Ukitake gasped softly at the contact and seemed to pull away. But Shunsui would have none of that. He suddenly wrapped his arms around Ukitake's slender frame, pulling him against him and into his lap. Ukitake made an adorable 'squeaking' sound, his mouth opening as if ready to question him, so Shunsui silenced him by pressing their together firmly.

At first, Ukitake stiffened in surprise, but he soon melted against Shunsui, tilting his head ever so slightly to deepen the kiss. His hands reached out to him, pulling him close as their lips moved slowly against each other's. It was a slow, drawn out kiss, simply relishing in the feeling of one another.

Finally, they pull apart, leaving Ukitake a little breathless. He turned those amazing eyes to Shunsui, looking at him in slight surprise. However, the corner of his eyes wrinkled with sincere humour when he smiled.

"You don't have to get my gifts to receive a kiss from me, Shun," he said as he wrapped his arms around Shunsui's neck, his fingers casually linking together against the back of his neck.

"I know," Shunsui said with his usual charming grin. "But you're just so cute when you're excited."

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