Adorable Drunk

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AN: My goodness, it’s been ages since I’ve written a Bleach drabble. I’ve been trying my hand at other fandoms. You know, just to keep things interesting. Most of them are found on my Wattpad account or Journal, if you’re interested.


Title: Adorable Drunk?

Pairings: Minor ShunUki

Words: 937

Warnings: None


Captain Kyouraku physically winced when he heard a familiar voice draw out his name, a very drunken curl lingering at the end. Normally, he wouldn’t have minded another approaching him when they’re drunk as it also gave him an excuse to drink. Never mind the fact that it was none other than his dearest friend, Juushiro Ukitake who was calling for him, another good reason to drink.

No, what made him grimace was that Juushiro was drunk and Shunsui wasn’t the one who had gotten him drunk, hadn’t been there when he started to become slightly tipsy.

Shunsui turned around just in time to watch Juushiro stumble his way over to him. His beautiful features tinged with a light dusting of red, his usually clear chocolate brown eyes slightly glazed and his Captain’s Haori hanging off his shoulder. Instinctively, he reached out to Juushiro, grabbing a hold of him by the upper arms and pulled him toward him so he could rest against his chest. A notion that Juushiro was more than willing to comply with.

Holding Juushiro close, Shunsui hoped that Juu-chan hadn’t encountered anyone else alone the way.

“Hey, Shun-Shun?”

Shun-shun? Man, Juushiro only called him that when he was really drunk.

“I think someone might have slipped something into my tea,” Juushiro giggled. Yes, giggled. It wasn’t a humorous chuckle, but a flirty giggle that went straight to your groin.

“Ah, I see,” Shunsui said, trying to keep himself from twitching as his mind tried to quickly go through a list of people for who would be sneaky (or stupid) enough to slip something into Captain Ukitake’s tea.

Yoruichi would be daring and sneaky enough to accomplish this, but even that mischievous woman knew better than to get Juushiro drunk. She did that once, a long time ago, only having to spend the rest of the night physically fending off overly zealous suitors.

None of the members of Division Thirteen would be responsible, either. Not that overly protective bunch. Not the way they honoured Juushiro like some kind of beloved god. It was actually surprising that someone had even managed to spike Juu-chan’s tea.

“How much did you drink, Juu-chan?”

Again, Juushiro giggled as he pressed himself closer to Shunsui, nuzzling up to him like a spoilt little kitten. Normally, Shunsui would have cooed over his actions but he was too busy trying not to get pissed off by the notion that someone else other than him had gotten precious Juu-chan drunk. He was the only person allowed to do that!

Practically sweeping Juushiro into his arms, Shunsui hurriedly made his way to the Ugendo. There were far too many people mulling about. He can’t afford to have any of them witness Juushiro in such a vulnerable and far too adorable for his own good state.

He already had too many fans. Too many for Shunsui and Juu-chan’s own division to take care off.

Juushiro was a lightweight when it came to Sake. More like featherweight, actually. One cup of Sake and he was completely drunk. Not the about to pass out into a coma like stupor. Oh no, it was worse. The worst part was how cuddly and utterly adorable Juushiro was when he was drunk. He would cuddle up to anyone, crawling into their laps and simply nuzzle his head under their chin.

Yes, it was very adorable. Yes, it was a sight that would make even the hardest individuals coo. Yes, Shunsui found great joy in watching Juushiro cuddle up to him. How he loved to spend the nights with Juu-chan neatly tucked against his side as he enjoyed a rich cup of Sake.

But, dammit, there were far too many people who would try to take advantage of his less than lucid state.

Far, far too many people.

It was bad enough fending off deviants when Juushiro was sober. When he was drunk, it was like a flashing neon sign to anyone with less than honourable intentions that Juu-chan was free game.

Of course, Shunsui made sure that they were quickly…disposed of.

There were many, many dark corners and alleyways of Seireitei that no one liked to talk about.

And that, my friend, was the reason why Shunsui hated finding Juushiro drunk. Who knows what kind of pervert tried to take advantage of him?

Finally reaching the safety of the Ugendo, Shunsui looked at the precious white-haired man in his arms, noting that he was almost asleep. He had curled his body toward him, his head resting on his shoulder as he hands gripped at his pink kimono.

“Shun-Shun?” he murmured. “I feel sleepy.”

“Sleep now, Juu-chan,” Shunsui cooed as he carried him over to his bed. Dearest Juu-chan was asleep before his head hit the pillow. He tucked the man under the sheets, pausing for a moment to coo over him before he turned to leave.

Now, he had some important task he needed to attend to. He had managed to eliminate the possible suspects and only one came to mind; The Seireitei Women’s Association.

Completely obvious now. Still, that was a problem. The Seireitei Women’s Association wasn’t afraid of anyone, particularly him. So, while he could throw his weight around, it wouldn’t exactly deter them for very long. It might even make them more determined.

However, Shunsui remembered with a grin that he knew what, or rather who did scare them. Looks like Retsu Unohana might need to give these women a little chat about the health and well-being of their superiors.

Cruel and sadistic? Probably. But that’s the price you pay when you mess with Juu-chan.

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