A Gift of Tenderness

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Title: A Gift of Tenderness

Pairings: None, really. Just a bit of comfort.

Words: 615

Warnings: None.

Ukitake was a parental figure of the Seireitei; he knew it and he was proud of that fact. He loved nothing more than to help those younger than he nurture their individuality and teach them that it's not raw strength or supreme intelligence that made them stand out, it what's in their hearts that counts.

He had always tried to teach them that no matter which path they've taken, rather by choice or unwilling, to keep true to themselves, to be who they really are. There was enough deceptiveness within the world, no need to deceive yourself as well.

However, there was one drawback at being a father figure (or mother-hen as Shunsui loved to tease him about constantly), it was the times where he saw his 'children' suffer the heart-wrenching pain of betrayal for the first time.

That emotion, if not accepted and dealt with through mourning, was a very dangerous emotion. It would build and build, turning from anger to hatred, losing one's very soul to rage.

And watching that very betrayal and inner loathing dance in Hisagi-kun's eyes while he acted as if nothing was wrong, Ukitake knew he was suffering...slowly, silently.

He...he can't lose another gentle soul to their pride. He just can't.

Oh, Tousen, how could you do this to him? He cared for you, adored you, would do anything for you. How could you?

"You wanted to see me, Captain Ukitake?" Shuuhei asked as he approached, looking a little apprehensive.

Ukitake soon put him at ease with a gentle smile, forcing those tense shoulders to relax and offered him a chance to take a seat beside him. "Take a seat, Hisagi-kun."

Ever dutiful, Shuuhei lowered himself to his knees, making sure that he was a respectable distance and that he was facing his superior. He parted his lips in an attempt to question his summons when Ukitake suddenly reached forward with a gentle and guiding hand, placing it upon his cheek in a motherly fashion.

"It's alright, Hisagi-kun," he said gently to the startled reaper. "The betrayal you feel is natural, however it won't leave you until you face it, accept it and move on. Hisagi-kun, it's ok to mourn."

"I..." Shuuhei started to protest, his hands gripping tensely onto his black kimono, but in his eyes, Ukitake could see them begin to mist over with unshed tears, even his voice was growing thick with emotion.

"No one will see," Ukitake simply stated and that was enough. Shuuhei abruptly squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his head so his chin rested on his chest, his fisted hands tightening so much that his knuckles were turning white. But his shoulders were shaking and large tear drops were falling onto his hands, slowly at first but soon unstoppable.

With a soft sigh, Ukitake scooted forward a bit and placed a hand on the back of Shuuhei's neck, letting him know that he was still there for him. Soon, Shuuhei was sobbing into his lap, one of his hands grasping desperately onto his as the other curled around the pants of his kimono. He buried his face into his upper thigh, the rest of his body sprawled out on the flooring, Ukitake still kneeling, sitting up straight as he gazed down with understanding eyes.

And Ukitake simply let him mourn like this, letting him ask him questions, wording his feelings. He, in turn, whispered tender words of comfort as he gently rubbed his free hand up and down his back, soothing his shaking shoulders from each heartbreaking sob.

"It will get better in time, Hisagi-kun," Ukitake promised as Shuuhei's tears begin to slow.

"Thank you, Captain," Shuuhei whispered sincerely.

"Any time, Hisagi-kun."

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