A Class Act

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Title: A Class Act

Pairings: A tiny smidgen of ShunUki

Words: 816

Warnings: Um, none really.

Ukitake heard a noise that sounded suspiciously like a snore, light and airy, merely a puff of air, but he had heard it nonetheless and knew immediately what it was. Momentarily taking his eyes off his sensei and the board he was writing on, he glanced over to his side and the sight of his troublemaking best friend slumbering on his desk greeted him.

Shunsui had his arms folded upon the desk, his cheek resting on his forearm with his face turned toward him; his shaggy brown hair sprawled out over the desk. His lips parted just a little so he would breathe in through his noise and then out through his mouth, making a little whistling noise as he did so.

That would explain the little puff of air Ukitake heard earlier. Shunsui was in a pretty deep sleep.

Ukitake was unable to prevent himself from wincing. Sensei was not going to like this. He had always taken great offense whenever Shunsui fell asleep during his classes as he felt it was a silent protest against him. The rebellious cad, as he liked to call him, was simply doing it to get under his skin.

Glancing back at his Sensei as he chewed on his bottom lip, watching the much older man for a moment to make sure he wasn't about to turn away from the board just yet. Once he was pretty sure his sensei was busy, he turned his attention back to Shunsui.

Now, here comes the hard part.

He tried so very hard to wake up his slumbering friend as discreetly as possible so that Sensei wouldn't learn of his bad habits, but being discreet with Shunsui had never worked. Ukitake tried nudging him with his elbow and his shoulder. He tried poking him with his writing utensils. He even tried kicking him in the shins in order to get him to wake up, but nothing seemed to work. Shunsui was just too deeply asleep.

Leaning against his desk, Ukitake turned toward his friend so he could whisper lowly into his ear. "Shunsui," he said as quietly, yet loud enough to penetrate Shunsui's slumber. "Shunsui wake up before Sensei finds out."

Shunsui, however, made a snorting sound as he nuzzled his cheek against his arms. "Five more minutes."

"Shun-" Ukitake attempted to wake him again, only to pause when he felt a prickly chill race down his spine. He immediately sat up straight, a sense of overwhelming nervousness making his stomach clench and filling him with dread when he immediately saw his Sensei was standing before his desk, one eye open as he practically towered over him in a rather foreboding fashion.

"Is there a problem, Juushiro?" he asked.

Ukitake did the only thing a young student like him could do. He 'eeped' and shook his head rapidly.

Yamamoto-sensei, of course, didn't believe him, simply flicking his half-lidded eye in Shunsui's direction. "Hmm?"

Ukitake made yet another little squeaky noise as he stumbled over his words. "Ah, well..."

Yamamoto-sensei half open eye narrowed rather menacingly as he gave a rather indignant snort. He suddenly turned back to Ukitake and said in his 'instructor's voice; "Now, Juushiro, I want you to show the class how one would use the Kidou Shakaho."

"B-but I need a target, sir," Ukitake stuttered.

The glint in Yamamoto-sensei's eye just became more sadistic. "You have one right next to you."

Ukitake new immediately what he was referring to and began to protest. "But sir!"

"Now, Juushiro."

Ukitake slink back from his harsh, no nonsense tone before he scrambled to his feet. "Um, er, yes sir!" he said like the good student he was and turned his attention to his unsuspecting friend, readying himself for the Kidou spell. "I'm sorry, Shunsui," he whispered before uttering the incantation for the spell.

Immediately, a red orb appeared in his hands, though not very big nor powerful as he didn't want to cause his friend any significant injury, and he released it. The room filled with a soft red light before a loud explosion followed by a squawk of shock and then the smell of smoke and singed clothes immediately afterwards.

Ukitake immediately knelt down by Shunsui's side, who was still smouldering and was twitching rather erratically on the floor. "I'm so sorry, Shunsui," he apologized, sounding on the verge of crying.

"Well done, Juushiro," Yamamoto-sensei said as he walked away, one hand on his cane, the other with his forearm against his back. He then paused in his movements and turned just enough so he could glare over his shoulder. "Shunsui, fifty laps around the courtyard. Now!"

Shunsui, unbelievably, just rolled over, tugged Ukitake down on the floor next to him, wrapped his arms around the deeply blushing white-haired male and nuzzled against him while muttering something that sounded suspiciously like; "Five more minutes."

Ukitake found himself paling when Yamamoto-sensei twitched.

Dabbling with Drabbles - BleachOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora