Chapter 32 - The Mystery Lives On

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I don't sleep that night. I lay awake, scrolling through all my texts with Rita. I refuse to think of her as Seth. It's just plain weird. The thought of it, to be honest, is simultaneously absurd and completely terrifying.

I've received texts since, but I have neither answered or changed the name. In all honesty, I don't want to accept the truth of what happened. And I'm not ready to believe it's not a prank, either, especially knowing it's Seth.

Just... How can this have happened. Supposing this isn't a prank, and his feelings for me are genuine, and no one else actually knows about this, and he's truly trying to help me.... How does this even make sense at all? He's been one of the three that hated me from the moment they first saw me, no justification needed.

Then again, last time the prank collapsed the minute they had to talk to me, but this time he actually talked to me and convinced me and he was... Nice?

And he seemed almost hurt every time I denied something or said something nasty, which is a bit rich, considering what he's made me go through.

Why am I even allowing myself to think all of this? I hate this boy as much as he hates me. He's put my through years of torture. I've had nightmares, I've had bruises, I've had sleepless nights, failed tests, and even teachers hating me.

I hate him. I hate him for everything he's done, and for even daring to come near me with those words. He's in love with me? Bah. This is all a prank. I'm not falling for this anymore. I've had enough of all of this.

But... Maybe this is my shot at a normal life, at fixing everything I've gotten myself into, to pull myself out of the perpetual circle of disappointment and horror I constantly live in.

Maybe I could just... Use him to pull myself out of this. Maybe he'd be willing to help. No. I'd feel bad if I did that. Even if he's done much worse over the years, I'm not that kind of person.

Either way, this could be my shot.

I can't help but doubt it.


From: Rita Tory

To: Zoe Meyer

12:17 7-8-14

Are you just going to ignore me now?


From: Rita Tory

To: Zoe Meyer

18:27 7-9-14

Zoe, you can't just ignore me. Does who I am really matter so much?


From: Rita Tory

To: Zoe Meyer

10:09 7-10-14

Seriously, Zoe, just answer. Anything. Are you even okay?


Three uneventful days pass in my life, marked only by the daily and even hourly texts I receive from Rita. Can't he see I'm not interested? I don't want to know? That I'm sick of their bullshit and I can't trust anyone?

Even if I want to convince myself I can trust him, even if I want to trust him, I can't. Not after all these years of him being at the very front of everything that has happened to me.

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