#1 (Texano)

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For CamoChipmunk thanks for requesting
How do I tell Texano when do I tell him were do I tell him. I thought to myself as I headed to the ring where he was waiting I'm pretty sure I'm going to tell him but it's nerve racking. I saw Texano thought the entry way to the ring. "So here she is the one and only, my one and only, Angelina." He said and I walked down to the ring giving fans high fives and took a mic as I stepped into the ring, Texano held the ropes open for me. "Hi." I said to him off mic. "Texano I have a very important message for you." I said he waited anxiously in suspense. "I don't know how I tell you." I said pausing mainly so I can stall longer. "Amor your....um.....your going." I stuttered. "You going to be a father." I finally spit out a smile spread across his face and he hugged me.

He didn't say anything else, he ran his fingered thought my short black hair and walked me backstage. A ton of the luchadores congratulated us I told them thank you and and we left the temple.

We arrived at our house we had just bought a couple of months ago and the headed up stairs to the guest bedroom, well soon to be our new child's room. "So should we just call the baby "it?" Texano said with a laughed I lightly smacked his crease and rolled my eyes at him. Well I can't explain what it's like to be waiting for a living thing that can make your life amazing.
Hope that's what you wanted thanks for requesting.

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