7# (Kobra Moon & Aerostar)

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This is a non requested but I'm trying to get all the talent a one shot bc they deserve it that's why it's short
----------------------------------------------People only misunderstand me, I've been called a lot of things, creepy, wired, slutty, talentless but I assure you that non of them are true. "Hey! Snake your up next get ready!" Some random person yelled to me. "Shut up before I kick your ass." I shouted back and headed towards the certain were Fénix, Drago and Aerostar were finishing up their match with Taya, Jack, and Pj Black. When they came back I just looked at them as they pasted Taya decided to open her mouth and piss me off.

"Hey Korbra don't you have a mouse to swallow?" She smartly asked.

"Just leave me alone." I said back and walked out to the ring were I waited for my opponent Daga to enter the ring.


After the match I just went to my hotel room and I took off my ring gear and mask and grabbed an ice pack and put it on my neck. Then there was a knock at my door. I opened it to reveal Aerostar I rolled my eyes and adjusted my standing position and the ice pack on my neck. "What?" I asked.

"Can I come in?" He asked me I shuffled my shoulders. "What the hell." I said and moved out of the way as he stepped into the hotel room.

"Look I'm sorry for all the crap you get." He apologized I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Okay who put you up to this? Drago Fénix you can come out now." I said looking around the room.

"I'm serious I am really sorry for all the crap you get your honesty really beautiful and an amazing wrestler." I kept my poker face. "And an amazing person." I let a small smile across my face.

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