#10 (Mil Muertes)

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For MadamePlague hope you like it
"Here's your winner, Light!" Melissa yelled into the microphone as the ref raised my hand in victory and I rose the other. I had just pinned siniestro de la muertes, even with the help of Catarina he couldn't keep up with me. As I walked out of the ring Catarina glared at me but as always I shook it off and headed to the back.

Some of the luchadores congratulated me other just ignored but hey it it what it is. I kept an eye out for Catarina but not because of her icy glare, because of the one who trails behind her, Mil Muertes. I'm always kind to him but....well I'll let you fill in the blanks.

I was walking down the corridor when I was snapped out of my thoughts by accident bumping into Mil. "Oh sorry I was dazed off." I explained a little blushing.

Catarina stepped closer to my face. "Just watch were your going or someone may unfortunately blow out the little light." She smirked at me and walked away.

I was already scowling at her at first but now I was giving her a death glare like she does to me. Mil slightly turned my way barley moving his head but before he said anything the witch he is by made him keep walking.

The next week was the same old song and dance only this time around I got a wave out of Mil and Catarina was threatening me even more. It's getting annoying more then before because Mil is just letting her do this and keep him from people.

Mil that night had a match against Puma and he had won so I took it soon myself to congratulate him since no one else will.

"Hey Mil." I said perky and kind as usual. I was met with silence from the man of one thousand deaths. "Great match out there congrats on the win."

"Don't act like your surprised." Catarina interrupted stepping in front of Mil. "Let me make myself perfectly clear you are to stay away from Mil."

"You can't tell me who I can and can't talk to!" I yelled at her she just smirked I know the more I show I'm mad the more fun she gets out of it.

"Well to make sure of it, next week your going to go one on one with Mil....and he will make sure to put out the light." She said and than licked my face before I moved away from her and went back to my house.

All I could think about was getting my face rearranged by Mil or my career rearranged for that matter. Maybe he wouldn't use all his weight to throw my weight around.

I did a lot of training over the past week and I felt like Rocky going against Ivan Drago, but I was ready.

I walked into the temple and people started to wish me luck, Fenix gave me his psychical therapist number. I just laughed at him and nodded my head.

I was waiting by the curtain waiting to be announced when Mil and Catarina walked up. Mil was announced before I was so I wished him luck and he nodded in response which is better than usual. After I was in the ring I felt my body go numb.

Mil ran at me and 'tripped' allowing me to pin him for the three count. I looked over at the little witch in his corner and she was pissed! I smirked at her the way she does to me and walked to the back.

"Hey light wait up." I herd someone say from behind me, to my surprise it was Mil. "Thanks for being so kind to me, I would've answered you but I was a little nervous about what Catarina would do to you and hurt you or worse." He admitted.

I smiled and placed a hand on his arm. "It's fine and thanks for your concern." I smiled. "Let's go hang." I said Mil nodded and we left.

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