#6 (Fènix)

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For Unicorn_Normy thanks for requesting💖
Tonight it all goes down in the history books if I win my name will be cemented in Lucha Underground history forever as one of the many to come champions. My opponent however is the one I'm crushing on and hate to see hurt, Fénix. It's like a sword with a double axe blade it going to hurt either way. If I win I take his title and if...I lose I may not have another opportunity like this again.

As I think to myself and put on my black and pink mask and lace up my boots. There was a knock at my door I answered and Sexy Star was on the other side. "Well if it isn't my look alike." I said and let her in.

She laughed and began to speak. "Hey I wanted to wish you luck tonight. You finally get the opportunity you deserve." She prided on I shrugged my shoulder and shyly smiled while I rubbed my shoulder. "Oh no what's wrong?" She questioned I didn't answer. "Oh I get....is it because of Fénix?" She quickly questioned.

"Yeah." I nodded. "But it shouldn't be because my career comes first and foremost and we aren't even dating?" I signed shaking my head. "Hell I don't even know if he likes me were just friends." I signed not knowing what to do.

"Well I can't help with that but I'm wishing you luck." Sexy said holding two thumbs up and widely smiling I laughed and went to the tunnel were I was met by Fénix.

"Good luck." I said to him he looked and smiled.

"Luck won't matter, your going to win." He said but before I could question him Melissa had already announced me and I had to go to the ring. What did he mean by I'm going to win? I couldn't finish my thought Fénix was already in the ring and the match started. Oh my gosh I can even finish a fricken thought.

Fénix had backed me up into the turnbuckles, his hands around my arms and neck to hold me there until the ref counted to three and he let go before five. I smirked at him and wiped my lip before running and hitting him with a single leg dropkick. We mainly taunted each other and matched flips and dives until the end part.I had Fénix hooked up for one of my finishers and made the cover I knew he was going to kick out because he was still very fired up.
"What?" I muttered to myself.

"Here's your winner and the new Lucha Underground Champion Angle.." I didn't care about the rest I wanted to know how the hell I won that quick.

But as soon as I saw that gold around my waist I also didn't care about how or why anymore, I've worked my whole life for this and now, it's actually happing my life long dream has finally come true.

I helped Fénix up and shook his hand instead he wrapped his arms around me I was growing emotional by the second between having my family here and my fans screaming my name, and just..Fénix. I left the ring and walked backstage people congratulated me on winning the title. "That's my best friend!" I herd Sexy Star yell she ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I don't know I feel like..I don't know do you think he took it easy on me?" I asked. She rubbed my shoulder.

"I think you feel like that because you like him, the feeling should be gone soon but for now I think you should talk to him. I nodded and went I his own locker room. My heart was beating out of my chest before he answered, what do I say? What do I do? Should I bring the belt in there? But sadly I was interrupted by him opening his door.

"Can I help you?" He grinned stepping aside letting me into the room I rolled my eyes.

"Be honest, did you let me win?" I asked her shook his head no. "Tell me the truth." I looked him dead in the eyes.

"A little." He said looking down at the floor. I didn't know how to even react. I loved being champ but did I deserve it.
"Look I'm sorry but I know you deserve to win fair but I-I knew you had to win and I didn't want to put you through anymore pain." He said. I never m
noticed how sweet Fénix is. "I just want to ask if you would go out with me...champ." Hearing those word took me back but only a little I knew I did deserve it. Fénix was still anxiously waiting for my answer I smiled shyly.

"Of course." He smiled back and wrapped his arms around me hugging me very I felt safe there.
I hope you enjoyed it💖

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