#12 (Pentagon Dark)

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For SharitaRepulsa thanks for requesting
Kehlani's POV

I took a deep breath before walking into the Lucha Underground temple
doors. Every time I stepped through the doors a chill,of excitement, took over my body. It was like I belonged here, like this is were I was always
meant to be. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going until, of course, it was too late. My tiny body crashed into something bigger than me and I was on my ass.

"Shit shorty you alright?" Someone asked me and extended their hand. I took it before looking and my eye traced the person until I saw Pentagons face. We didn't release our hands and I don't think he noticed.

"Yeah I'm fine, nice catch." I slightly laughed.

"Nice fall." He looked like he wanted to smile but instantly decided not to. Then his eyes turned cold and he stormed away.

With Pentagon it's always the same story, around me he seems like he wants to be kind, but in the ring or any other time he's pretty much a dick. Soon after I was met up by my brother Dario

"Hey baby sis." He greeted me and we shared a hug.

"Hi." I greeted back in a  perky response. "So do I have a match tonight." I say rocking back and forth on my toes, I haven't had an actual good match in a while.

A grin creeped onto his face. "Oh yeah you have a match." I walked into his office and closed the door behind me. He sat down on his side of the desk and I took a seat on the other side. "Tonight you will be facing the returning Pentagon Dark." He began, my heart dropped a bit, I really didn't want to fight Pentagon but I couldn't say no without my brother questioning why so I had no choice.

"Fine." I said half heartedly. Dario's face had confusion all over it.

"What's up with you? Every time something happens with Pentagon you act weird." He asked and explained.

I needed a cover for it. "Nothing just hoping for the world wide underground or something." I squeaked out after an awkward pause of silence. He shook his head smiling and rolled his eyes.

"Out." Was all he said next but I compiled an left. I really didn't want to fight Pentagon but I had no choice but to since I'm obviously not in charge around here. If I was I would've been champ a long time ago.

I went to the locker room and changed into my ring gear but no matter what a did I couldn't get Pentagon out of my mind for the life of me. He just seems so loving, really really like I mean REALLY deep down, and maybe I sink know...he might like me. But regardless I have to focus on my match.

I was face to face with Pentagon Dark, the breaker of bones, in the center of the squared circle. I hit him in the face with a super kick and was able to get him in the cross arm breaker and he tapped out. Melissa announced me as the winner and the fans cheered.

I was about to leave the ring only out of the corner of my eye I could see that Pentagon was on his knees with his head down. I looked at him barley making eye contact with the man in black. I was about to leave until I herd. "Kahlani!" Pentagon yelled making me turn to him once more. He bowed his head again. "Take it off." He said quietly.

"Huh?" I questioned as I stepped very cautiously closer to him.

"Take off my mask." He demanded I shook my head no.

"I won't." I disagreed.

"Dammit Kehlani DO IT!" He yelled louder I still declined running out of the ring, up the stairs, and back unit my dressing room shutting the door behind me. I can already tell brother is going to be pissed off I didn't disrespect a Lucha Libre tradition.

There was a knock at the door. "What?" I questioned no really giving mind to who was on the other side.

"Can I come in." A muffled voice said from the outside it was too muffled to make out who it was though.

"Sure." I answered with my eyes intently glued to the door. It slowly and cautiously creeped open and suspend took over my mind and body. On the other side of the door was non other than my opponent tonight still in his ring gear. "What do you want?" I asked Pentagon.

"Why didn't you take off my mask?" He questioned.

"Because it's disgraceful to do and disgusting to see." I said glancing at him then switching my gaze to the floor and my shoes.

"You should've your brothers going to be mad." I can't believe Pentagon would care that Dario's going to be mad, hell all the man does is piss him off.

"I don't care I'm not going to take your make off wheaten it's a stipulation or not it's wrong." I defended myself. "My turn to ask a question." I paused, Pentagon gave me an approving look, then I began again. "Why are you different around me then anyone else." I asked he looked a little nervous.

"Because your different Lani." Suspense built up again. "I love you. I always have, and always will." I never thought Pentagon Dark, a man with cold eyes and even colder intentions, would say he loved me.

I had to tell him now or I never would be able to with Dario over my shoulder. "I love you too." I said and smiled Pentagon smiled back at me and started to move in closer I did the same until out fees were centimeters away if that.

I closed my eyes and our lips connected sparks were sent through my entire body and my knees when weak. Eventually he broke the kiss we just stared at each other. "So I take it you want to be my girlfriend?" He smirked as he asked.

"Yeah." I whispered smiled.

I hope you liked it

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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