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Hey guys! Well I'm really sorry for the crappy and short one shots I gave most of you an I'm going to try to fix them when I can so if your one shot is not in the book I'm probably editing it and thanks to TheBadNewsAddiction I want to write a one shot about all the talent in Lucha Underground too. So please go check out her writing because it is honestly one of the best out there and she is without a doubt in my top three favorite writers on Wattpad right now.

Anyways please keep requesting it gives me something to do when I'm bored and hey if you like it don't me afraid to request a second or third or fourth and so on and so forth I will take as many requests as you have just one at a time is all I ask of you.

And if you love me or my writing always remember ot

Lucha Underground One shots (open)Where stories live. Discover now