Chapter 2

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- The Next Day -

Yuuki's POV

I woke up to something lightly poking my cheek I slowly turned my head and saw Shiro poking me, I let out a small giggle then got out of bed to get ready. 

I wore my usual outfit you know like a grey tank top with a black sweater over top and some short shorts jeans with some black combat boots, my hair was now brushed and I blew my bangs out of my eyes, once I was finished I placed my right fingerless glove on along with the left one.

As I made my way out of my house I met up with Sting and Rogue on the way to our meeting spot our exceeds were either flying beside us or resting on our shoulders.

"Hey there Yuu-chan(her nickname) finally made it ne?" Sting said with a smirk then winked I blushed but soon shook it off

"So we all set for this mission? its nothing but taking down a dark guild" Rogue told us as we both nodded our heads then walked off towards where it said it would be at but the only thing was is that we had to take the train....ugh motion sickness never helps for us dragon slayers.

- time skip to after the train ride-

We all got off then sat on a bench trying to feel better quick but since it was getting late due to the amount of hours it took to get here we would have to get a hotel for the night.

"I.....hate.....trains...." I tried to say before almost pukeing but I didn't I could here the boys chuckle but I soon smiled and then we where on our way to the nearest hotel whitch was only a few blocks ahead but I soon began to get tired I started to walk with my eyes slowly closing but that didn't go unnoticed by Sting since he allowed me to get on his back once I did I blushed at the action and nuzzled my face on his back soon falling asleep.

Sting's POV

Yuuki fell asleep with her head on my back I blushed lightly at this but smiled.

"When are you gonna tell her you like her Sting-kun?" Lector asked me I looked down at my exceed partner and sighed

"I'm not sure when but I guess when the time comes I will" I replied slightly shifting Yuuki up higher on my back when she was slowly falling down a bit.

As we walked into the hotel we got two rooms so one for Rogue and the exceeds and one for me and Yuuki I knew she wouldn't mind since there was two beds in each room so it wasn't any problem with the sleeping arrangements. Once I got inside I gently layed Yuuki on one of the beds then covered her up with the blanket soon frowning at her while I stroked her cheek softly 'why would anyone ignore her? shes a joy to be around and this is coming from me!..' I thought then shook my head soon climbing into the other bed beside hers then allowed sleep to come to me as the night started to pass.

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