Chapter 9

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Stings POV

I woke up a few hours later only to hear small cute snores from someone beside me, as I opened my eyes I saw it was Yuuki I smiled softly and moved some of her hair out of her face then kissed her forehead, she must of been tired still since of how much she cried I kind of felt bad we didn't leave sooner and that I wanted to look tough in front of Fairy Tail while she was hurting but I would always be there for her so I knew she would be alright as long as we made better choices on how long we stay at places.

A knock interrupted my thoughts sighing slightly I got up and opened the door seeing Rogue and Fro I placed my pointer finger to my lips then pointed behind me where Yuuki slept, they nodded then walked in.

"So hows she holding up?" Rogue asked sitting on the couch then looked at Yuuki's sleeping form

"Shes fine we just took a nap right now and I guess shes gonna sleep for a while longer" I said looking at her as well then back to Rogue

"That's good cause it seems we better pick wisely of where we go now that we know the faries are here" Rogue replied while turning his gaze to outside the window

"Tch either way there not getting anywhere around Yuuki they caused enough to her and now that there back and gonna be at the games I just hope it doesn't effect her even worse, I mean Master will kick her out if she loses her focus or even loses we both know we couldn't stand that" I told him while sitting on the bed stroking my Yuukis nice long black hair.

"Yeah that's true" Rogue replied then we were silent for a while.

I smiled down at Yuuki when she nuzzled more into my touch, chuckling softly while shaking my head I brought up the blanket to her neck then kissed her head after that I put my shirt on then looked at Rogue.

"Maybe we should go get something to eat then bring it back here" I told him while walking towards the door after leaving a note on the table beside the bed.

"Sounds good to me but lets not take long if we run into those fairies it will just cause a problem" Rogue replied with closed eyes as we walked in the halls of the hotel.

Looking around at the different restaurants for take out we went to this ramen shop and bought three bowls to take back after waiting a while we gave the jewls for the food and walked out heading back to the hotel 'I hope Yuuki is awake when we get there' I thought to myself, as we were almost to the hotel those faries showed up

"Hey you! tell us why you have Yuuki in your guild when she should be in ours!" Natsu growled at us

"Shes in our guild because her former guild left her alone for far to long, didn't you get the info the last time we talked?" Rogue said glaring at them

"Yeah you fairies hurted her to the point where she had to quit and cry all by herself lucky us that we were there to hear her out and be there for her un like you guys" I growled right back defending my mate I was beyond pissed that they wouldn't leave it be and that Yuuki couldn't stand being around them without breaking down of the memories of the past.

"We....didn't know we were doing that to her...." the girl called Lucy said with what sounded like a sad tone

"Tch shes with us now so you lost a great Dragon Slayer for your guild so leave it alone" I continued to growl "Come on Rogue lets go" I added then walked away with him walking along with me I slowly glanced back at them and saw they were either sad or mad at us but whatever it was I wasn't and I repeat wasn't going to lose Yuuki to them.

Once we got back inside the hotel we walked up to my room when we got inside I smiled when I saw Yuuki awake talking to Lector and Shiro she seemed to be feeling better and that's all my heart needed to know to be able to not worry to much, now don't get me wrong I do still worry about it but her smile is the brightest that really could make you smile as well or that's at least what I think.

"Hey there sleeping beauty" I smirked at her when I saw her blush

"H-Hey Sting-kun" she said shyly, did I mention that she was this cute?

"We bought some ramen while you were asleep" Rogue told her as we walked inside and sat on the bed

"I know I saw the note you two left" she giggled then smiled at us

"Well lets eat!" I told them making her giggled once again

After a while of eating and chatting and joking around we finally got Yuuki back to her cheerful self.

Yuukis POV

I sighed happily I had to thank these boys for everything they done now that things were back on track to being good again I was really happy about it but even more happy that Sting was now my boyfriend and well mate, Rogue is still one of my best friends who acts like a brother towards me and really this was the best.

"Since the games are tomorrow lets make a bet" I grinned at Sting

"Oh? and what will that bet be?" He asked I could see his smirk

"If you get set out into a match first and win you can do whatever you want" I told him

"With you?" He smirked again then kissed my neck

"O-Oi don't get to into the bet" I stuttered while blushing and looking to the side

"Haha I know babe im kidding, and if you win?" He asked

"Y-You take me out on a date" I said rubbing the back of my head feeling shy and embarrassed for some reason

"Deal but what if we both win?" He asked while making me face him as he raised my chin

"Well that im not sure" I said now more contend

"Either way im into this bet of yours my dear" He said with a wink

"Relationship already started and you already started to flirt around people well looks like you two are mates after all'' Rogue chuckled then walked out of the room yawning after saying his goodnights

We were left there on the bed blushing red, we quickly looked away from each other being embarrassed that we forgot Rogue was still there apparently we got so caught up in each other that we didn't know we weren't alone, but Sting ever so slowly placed his hand on mine making my head turn to face him.

"Yuuki, I promise I wont allow the fairies to take you away from me and also ill protect you from anything that makes you sad and from people who hurt you" He told me softly while leaning in, I was shocked he told me that usually he isn't always this sweet but lately he was I did like it but it was getting me to fall for this guy all over again.

But like always I couldn't help but smile and lean in as well, as our lips touched the same sparks that we left from our first kiss was there I knew it just then that we could love one another for as long as we wanted to, I didn't really care if Sting had fan girls or not cause I knew he was mine.

We kissed for a while until I was pushed on the bed and me being me giggled at that and looked up into Stings eyes, he smiled down on me and started to kiss me again, he knew I didn't want to have 'fun' just yet since we well...just got together so we just went with kissing and hugging but anyways once he pulled away we looked outside and noticed it was already dark out 'wow...the time went by fast' I thought then sighed and unwrapped my arms from around Stings neck that happened to go around when we were busy with out lip lock action

"Well we should head back to sleep don't want to be tired for tomorrow" Sting told me as he once again changed into his sleeping cloths I was still in the ones he gave me

"Yeah we need all the strength we can get, besides that bet is still on for who ever wins first" I said with a wink then got back until the covers

All I heard was him laugh then the bed move when Sting got under the covers he pulled me towards his chest and I felt him nuzzle his face into my neck, I giggled softly and nuzzled into his chest I left safe in his arms and knew nothing could go wrong once I was in them, I must of been tired still since I yawned and cuddled more into Sting and fell right to sleep.

Ice And Light Dragon Slayer LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang