Chapter 10

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Yuuki's POV

- The next day -

I woke up to the annoying shine of the sun from the windows, groaning softly I sat up rubbing my eyes I noticed Sting was still asleep and his arm was still around my waist, while I was about to get up and out of bed I felt his arms pull me back in I let out a yelp which made him chuckle and I was back held to his chest, blushing lightly I looked up at him as he started back at me with a smile.

"Stay in bed a little while longer" He said with a smile then kissed my forehead

"We can't its the first day of the Grand Magic Games and Master wont like it if where late " I told him then kissed his cheek as I got out of bed and walked to my bag where I kept my usual outfit then walked inside bathroom to take a shower.

"Awww come on! I want to rest a little more with you!" He shouted outside the door making me giggle and shake my head.

Once I was finished with my shower I got dressed in a white tank top with black sweat pants and a dark blue sweater my black one was going to get cleaned so I had to bring a new one which I didn't mind since I liked the color blue, anyways I stepped out of the bathroom as Sting walked right inside to do the same thing, hearing a knock on the door I walked to answer it to find Rogue and the others along with him.

"We will be right now so don't worry" I told them seeing them all nod and walk away to downstairs I closed the door again then put my hair up in a pony tail once I was done my bangs fell in my face covering my eyes a little but it wasn't something that I didn't mind, suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind and I just smiled but blushed when I found out Sting came out of the shower without his shirt on.

"O-Oi go put your shirt on or we will be late" I told him, damn why am I still shy around him?!

"Hehe okay okay babe but remember our bet" He smirked then got ready in his usual cloths

"How could I forget?" I smiled at him then we walk out of the room hand in hand

When we got down stairs out team for the games just smirked and made weird faces then started to tease us, man...I didn't know they cared in the fist place and this is what there doing? well at least I can feel like they accept me as there friend but that's the one thing in this guild that isn't shown, I thought for a moment if one of us lost during the first day...we would of been kicked out or beaten up if it took longer for us to get ride of our g uild marks.

I looked at Sting in the corner of my eye I frowned slightly I was slowly getting afraid that one of us were to be kicked out that we wouldn't see one another anymore but I knew id follow him it didn't matter to me if I left the strongest guild just cause he was kicked out I mean hes  mate I wouldn't ever not follow him if that where to happen.

Anyway when we got there we got there just in time since they were calling out all the guilds and by the sounds of the crowd and guild members there was just us and another guild, I started to feel nervous for seeing Fairy Tail that was until Sting lightly gripped my hand and smiled and me I smiled back and nodded my head to him.

After the other guild was called out we walked out after being called I put on an emotionless face and walked beside Sting and Rogue with the others trailing behind us, I could feel Fairy Tail staring at me and once I looked at them I saw sadness and regret but I didn't show anything back towards them, on the outside I had no emotion but on the inside I was screaming and so sad but I couldn't show it....I wouldn't.

Sting's POV

I noticed Fairy Tail looking at Yuuki I looked at her to see her pulling off an emotionless face I had to hand it to her she was playing the strong card right now but when I looked back at them I smirked and wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me protectively then mouthed 'she mine' to them, they then looked shocked and glared towards me I only gave them another smirk before we were sent to our places where we would watch some fights.

As we watched fight after fight....after fight Rogue and Yuuki disappeared since they said it was boring but I knew all to well that Yuuki didn't want to see Fairy Tail fight just yet I couldn't blame her so I sent Rogue to cheer her up I know I was suppose to but she told me she didn't mind I was still worried tho I am her mate after all but I knew she would be okay with my partner there

I walked out into the hall only to be stopped by the fairies we saw last time

"We want Yuuki back!" Natsu yelled at me with a glare

"Why would you want her back? you ignored her enough that it harmed her to the point where she cant stand seeing you guys!" I yelled back not caring if people heard in the halls

"Like we said we didn't know!" Gray yelled

"Didn't know?! you didn't know?! wow you fairies sure missed out on a lot with Yuuki'' I told them crossing my arms,

"Yeah! Yuuki-san cant go one minute without crying after she sees you!" Lector suddenly said resting on my shoulder

"She's with us now so its best if you left her alone" Rogue suddenly showed up while talking

"Guys I'm fine don't worry about it, besides I have gotten stronger and I would like to show those guys just how strong I have gotten just cause something in the past bugs me so much I wont allow it to get in the way for us to win so lets go" Yuuki suddenly said glaring at the fairies walking away with us behind her.

I looked back over my shoulder a little the fairies were shocked and sad once again but walked off in the other direction, I turned my attention back to Yuuki who's shoulders were shaking fast sighing softly I walked a little faster to her and pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay ill be right here" I told her rubbing her back all I got was a nod in return and her arms around me I smiled softly and kissed her head, I knew this was going to be hard on her but she had us and I hope she knew she wasn't going to get through this alone, I carried her on my back now as we walked back to watch the other fights, Yuuki seemed comfortable on my back still so I held her there, there were times where we whispered to one another an her nuzzling more to me and some quick kisses but that was about it as time past for the first day of the games ended

Finally the last fight ended and well Sabertooth got some points but we were second place it wasn't too bad but Fairy Tail was falling behind, sighing as the games ended we walked back to our hotel to get some rest. as we were getting ready for bed and just about to fall asleep a few explosions were heard which made us sit up quick only to see Rogue open the door with a small glare


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