Chapter 12

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Yuuki's POV

Day after day the games were slowly closing to an end and my wounds were healing but I couldn't find anymore due to how bad my shoulder was I was told I was suppose to be knocked out for a few days but people were shocked I wasn't I guess I really have grew stronger then I thought but the bad thing is Master almost kicked me out cause I couldn't be in the games anymore but in the end gave me one last chance the only thing I hated was who got my spot in the team and that was....Minerva..... I hated her ever since I joined yes I got into small fights but after that people never messed with us once it started.

Anyway she was out there hurting Lucy to no end my grip on the pole began to get so hard that I froze the thing and broke it off, the others looked at me but I told them that I was just trying to regain my strength but Rogue and Sting knew I didn't like it what she was doing once Fairy Tail was glaring at us I closed my eyes and tried not to look like I was gonna cry, Rogue and I couldn't look at them since we both didn't like what had happen but we both had our own reasons why.

I waited a while for Fairy Tail to go back which took a really long while once I sneaked out without them seeing me I ran to the infirmary where Lucy was at, but I slowed down once I felt pain on my shoulder and back I guess I haven't healed that good...damn that guy knows his way around with swords to attack people, anyways when I opened the door I noticed Natsu and Happy waiting for her to wake up when he noticed me he frowned but I looked away and slowly made my way inside the room.

I tried to make it look like I was just hear for bandages but that didn't stop me from taking small glace at Lucy, she seemed okay and well now due to the fact her face wasn't holding that pained look so that made me feel a little better, but what got me really nervous is that I heard the chair Natsu was on moved and his arms wrapped around me in a hug I looked at the floor with widen eyes trying to say something but couldn't, his chest kind of numbed the pain on my back and a little bit on my shoulder but it felt weird since we never hugged for a while now.

"I saw the way you looked when we glared at your looked like you were about to cry for what happened to still do care about us I know it" Natsu whispered in my ear
"That's only cause Lucy noticed me all alone for a while no one else let go" I told him trying to calm down
"No I wont not until you tell me your coming back" Natsu replied as I felt him hug me to him more all I could do was turn around and cry into his chest gripping at his shirt
"I don't get it! everything is so confusing! I don't know if I hate you guys or miss you all" I said I felt him pull me closer to him and rub my back gently
"Meet me at the restaurant near your hotel at night and we can talk things out from there" he whispered in my ear
"O-Okay" I wasn't so sure if I should but I needed to have things go better for me or id go insane from all this hurtful days
"Hows your wounds...?" he asked resting his cheek on my head
"They hurt a lot right now..." I told him truthfully
"I see...I wish I could kick that guys ass for what he did to you" He replied which shocked me but I pulled away from the hug
"I need to go" I said then quickly grabbed some bandages and ran out hearing him calling my name made me just run into an empty room and cry in

I sat on the floor and hugged my knees to my chest and cried into them a few minutes later I heard the door open and close I hopped it wasn't Natsu but once I felt the arms around me I looked up and saw Sting...he must of known I went but he didn't look mad he looked worried I sniffed a few times then threw myself at him almost making him fall back but he didn't and all he did was hug me close to his chest as I cried

"Shhh I'm here now Yuuki" Sting whispered then picked me up bridal style and started to walk back to our hotel room we must of had luck on our side since no one was in the halls and well the day was almost over I knew he and Rouge would fight soon but I didn't want to see the four of them get hurt so he knew right away that I was to be taken to the hotel room with Shiro.

Once we got there he set me on the bed and helped with my wounds then held me for a few minutes before going back I chatted with Shiro for a while before I closed my eyes and tried my best to feel on how the cheers of the people were.

- Time Skip -

I was shocked when they got back all beaten up...t-they lost so does this mean I wont see them?! no! I wouldn't allow it so I started to bandage there wounds up and walk back to where Master said to meet him at I stood there with widen eyes as Master hit them and yelled at them to remove there Sabertooth marks....that was until Lector made his speech but got blasted with whatever Master did

"Wait no!" I yelled as I held onto Sting
"What have you done.....WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!" Sting yelled while crying then blasted Master back

All eyes were on him and his burst out I stood up and hugged Sting from behind crying cause I couldn't believe what just happened and also tried to calm Sting he turned around and hid his face into my good shoulder and held me close, I glared at everyone who didn't go away and once everyone did I brought Sting to our room and he sat on the bed with his face in his hands

"Sting we will get Lector back I promise you!" I told him while being on my knees and moving his hands away from his face
"You sure?" He asked while cupping my cheeks with his hands
"Yes im sure since I cant fight in the games Shiro and I will go look every where here for him I promise" I told him
"Thank you" He said then leaned towards me kissing me softly

And with that we crawled into the bed together and fell asleep well mostly Sting did on my chest this time I just stroked his hair and thought of the places where Lector could be at, sighing softly I looked at Shiro who looked lonely, I held my hand out to him and he flew to us holding him close as well we all fell asleep being ready for the next day but I went to sleep thinking.

'Don't worry Lector just stay where you are and ill find you ill bring you back to Sting and the rest of us I promise'

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