Chapter 7

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Yuuki's POV

"N-Natsu..." I stuttered as I looked at him in shock, its really them Natsu, Erza, Gray and Lucy they were all here close to where the boys and I were at, but why? I looked towards the ground my hair covering my eyes as a shadow covered them I didn't want to speak to him nor did I want to speak to the others I wouldn't of known what to even say in the first place once I crossed paths with them again and now that I did I was los of words.

"Yuuki...look were sorry we ignored you....nakama shouldn't of done that and we want you back...please come back to Fairy Tail we miss you...." Natsu told me sadly I didn't even look up at him and never said a word as I was thinking of what to reply as that was until Sting cut in.

"Yeah that's right 'nakama' isn't suppose to ignore one another but that's what you did to Yuuki here!" Sting told them off with anger easily foun in his tone as his arm wrapped around my shoulders and held me close as if he was protecting me from the stares of my old friends.

"We realize that now but its nothing to do with you so stay out of it" Gray scoffed stuffing his hands in his pockets glaring at the Sabertooth guys.

The one who realized the different guild mark on my arm was none other then Lucy I heard her gasp as she stared at my arm only to find a blue Sabertooth mark there. "Y-You joined Sabertooth? but why?" she asked looking at me worriedly I finally picked up my head only to glare at them all they flinched a bit since when ever I was mad they knew to not piss me off more but with this problem everything would be going down hill.

"Yes I did join Sabertooth...I joined because these two understand half of what I feel and at least THEY were there for me when I was down...they tried to cheer me up when I left and suddenly started to become friends with me that I joined the guild cause of that and other issues I wont ever explain!!" I yelled at them it even tho it made my heart hurt I still did care for them but they abandoned me ignored me they even yelled at me at times when I just asked one question.

After that I tuned them out and stood behind Sting and Rogue I didn't want to see there faces for a while so I ignored them and let the boys chat with them even tho it was all about us becoming true dragon slayers as always Sting wanted to act tough, Rogue was his usual self but tried to hide his concern since I was holding onto his cloak tightly trying to not cry in front of them.

"Sting let's go we don't have time to chat and stand around" Rogue finally said then turned around once I let go of his cloak I stayed beside Sting's side the whole time as we walked back to our hotel room I ignored the calls of my name from the others I closed my eyes tightly and clutched my jaw tightly trying so hard to keep myself from being in tears I guess we got far enough that Sting placed his arm around me once again and that's when I let it all out I stopped walking and just cried into his chest.

"Why!..why did they have to show up now when I didn't want to see them just yet" I sobbed into his chest my shoulders shook so much that it was getting hard to calm down.

"Shhh its gonna be okay Yuuki ill beat that Natsu for you just please....don't cry okay" he told me while rubbing my back as his head rested on mine, I continued to cry on his chest and I didn't even noticed Rogue rub my head once Sting removed his from mine I was pleased that they boys where here for me but what made me a little more sad was that I couldn't calm down just yet in the arms of the one I love so much.

I don't know how long we were standing there as I cried but suddenly I started to finally calm down and everything went black as I felt so tired.

Sting's POV

I frowned at the girl I loved so much who was crying I pulled her closer to my chest as she continued to cry it must of been a few hours since she stared to fall asleep I picked her up in my arms then started to walk with Rogue and our exceeds to our hotel I looked at Yuuki who cried herself to sleep I growled softly when I thought of what happened over there....Fairy Tail how dare you...

Once we got back to the hotel I didn't remember where her room was so I took her to mine and gently placed her in the bed after giving her some of my cloths to put on like grey sweat pants and a while shirt I didn't see anything I shouldn't since she would always wear something to cover it all up but anyways I moved her to one side of the bed pulling up the blanket on her I smiled at her now peaceful face gently moving some of her hair that was in her face I sighed softly then noticed she moved to hug her exceed Shiro I chuckled softly at how cute she could be at times even when she was upset and we tried to comfort her.

Sighing once again I took of my shirt and changed into my sleep wear I looked out the window into the dark sky and glared 'Just you wait Natsu...I wont allow you to get away with hurting my Yuuki' I thought then slipped into the covers pulling Yuuki close to me soon falling right to sleep wondering what I could do to bring her smile back again.

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