Chapter 4

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Yuuki's POV

"Okay heres what were gonna do while Sting's in the shower were gonna tape some wrap by the door with some glue on it to make sure he stays on it but we wont use the super glue since that might take forever to get off" I told Rogue while grinning.

"Fro thinks this is a good plan!" Fro said jumping around making me giggle.

"You know he will get back at you right?" Rogue said but chuckled after I finished explaining the plan

"Yeah but hey who says we cant have a little fun without Master finding out" I asked then smiled pulling Rogue along with me and getting right to work on this prank.

Once everything was in place I hid between the two beds with Shiro, Lector and Frosch since Rogue turned himself into a shadow and hid under the bed.

"Come on....come out of there" I whispered

"He usually takes a while so shh!" Lector told me while walking beside my head.

"Promise me you wont get back at me too?" I begged and held my hands together

"Well if its funny enough then I might not" He replied then we all went silent when we heard the shower turn off.

The door suddenly opened I blushed at the sight of his bare chest and only in a towel around his waist another on his head to dry his hair annnd he walked right into it. "WHAT THE HELL!!" he screamed then fell to the floor I stood up laughing along with the others  since he was all wrapped up ant stuck because of the glue, I held my stomach it hurt from laughing so much.

"Y-You should of seen your f-face ahaha" I said between laughs trying to calm myself down I only ended up bursting out laughing again.

"It was you?! I should of known you always do some weird pranks on me when my back is turned!!" Sting yelled he was embarrassed after all but I ended up helping him up to his feet. 

"Come on we better get that off you before the glue dries" I told him laughing softly as I started to take off the wrapping from him.

"Glue?!!" He screamed then tried to move away

"Hey! I'm trying to get you out of it so stop moving around!" I yelled back then took off the wrapping again.

Once it was finally off I huffed and threw it away Sting had to take another shower after that but hey it was sure funny and Rogue shockingly liked the idea of continue to prank Sting even if he got off easier then I ever have since I got to tease my crush after it when he did a poor job of a prank back, our pranks happened every time we had a mission for more then one or two days but mostly when we were bored.

I remember doing this with Ren when we were little we would always play pranks on one another and well our dragon parents knew one another so we all visited a lot but when one day that they were slowly dying we too had to kill them as there request but we never told anyone Sting and Rogue know but that's about it I never told anyone when I was at Fairy Tail since they hated people who did that but it really didn't mind much for me since I was used to a few things.

Sting's POV

Damn that Yuuki, but as always I couldn't stay mad at her since I loved her that much and well it was a pretty smart prank and it wasn't one that took months or I don't know how long to get out, last time she pranked me she switched my shampoo with hair dye and it turned out green I mean who does that? but that question is easily answered MY Yuuki that's who.

I smiled and shook my head as I stepped back in the shower turning on the water and moving my head in the under, all I could think about was her and when ill finally ask her out and be my mate. I mean her birthday is coming up soon and I wanna give her the perfect birthday gift.

After a while of another shower I stepped out, drying my hair then got out getting dressed  and grabbed my bags heading down the stairs passing the last key to the room then walked out with my team back to our guild.  

"first things first i'm hungry so lets go eat our train doesn't leave for a while so why not?" Yuuki asked and looked at us

"I don't see why not" Rogue replied then looked towards me

"Sure sounds good to me" I said with a small smirk then stuffed my hands in my pockets as we all walked to a restaurant.

When we got inside we were seated right away since not many people were here once we ordered we chatted for a while, then our food came along and we all ate. We payed for our food then left we all sighed and got on the train 'great I think were all gonna be sick' I thought as I took a seat and looked at the other two, soon enogh the train started to move and we grunted in disapproval and started to feel sick.

'Stupid motion sickness' I thought again then soon fell asleep

I must of been asleep for a while now since I felt someone wake me up and gently shake me, there voice was nice and gentle full of great sounds of calling my name but once I woke up I blushed not only for thinking that but from how Yuuki's face was really close to mine.

"Um...I see were h-here" I said shyly then looked out the window

"Yeah so come on we gotta report back to Master before he gets mad" she said then grabbed her bag walking out with me right behind her.

I slung my back over my shoulder as we walked back I wore my usual smirk while Rogue and Yuuki walked with a blank stare, it was usual for them to act like that around here but Yuuki did show emotion just not around anyone else just us and our exceeds.

//Back At Sabertooth\\

  Just as we walked in Master was already handling someone who failed so we stood away waiting for our turn to report our mission. I felt Yuuki grip the back of my coat I looked at her giving her a small rub on the back telling her everything was fine once I got her calm everyone went back to there seats or usual things after Master was finished.

We walked into his office and stood there silently until he spoke.

"Ahh good to have you back you three, how did your mission go good right?" He asked and we all nodded our heads.

"Good so ill tell you this as of now our team for the Grand Magic Games are...."

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