Chapter 14

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Yuuki's POV

Everything was back to normal and I couldn't ask for anything better, Sting and I were still together and well we started talking about moving in with one another and turns our Rogue found his mate as well her name is Raven and I became great friends with her, shes not a dragon slayer like us but her magic is fire which kind of reminds me of Natsu but theres others with the same kind of magic and my best friend Ren found his mate too her name is Akari and I love her shes like a sister to me already cause were almost a like shes not to much into shopping like me but when shes in the mood I don't mind tagging along

We all started to hang out with one another more often and we became this large group Sting, Rogue and I are still the Dragon Slayer Trio but now a days were always with our mates or what others call lovers, oh! Akari's magic is ice just like mine so I guess that's one more reason were so close cause we train with one another more Raven mostly spends time with Rogue to the point where those two are the cutest.

I started to slowly pack my stuff in boxes since Sting and I found a place to stay it might of been a two bed room but when ever people came over to visit or sleep over we agreed that it would be the guest room, humming softly to myself I sealed up yet another box Sting was helping me in the kicten and getting my stuff all done, Sting already had his packed in our new house with the help of Rogue but we also agreed that my comfy bed was  the gust bed and we would sleep on Stings.

Soon as the last box was packed up I began to bring them down stairs where Rogue, Raven, Ren, and Akari were at Sting was away so he must of been starting to bring the boxes in I smiled at everyone then began to bring box by box to my new house I was exited to live in that house along with Sting I mean yes it was a first but I was his girlfriend and well it happened right?

Anyway it took a few tiredly hours to finish bringing them to the house now that was left is to unpack but Sting and I knew we could do it by ourselves it wasn't much anyways just a few things more added to the kitchen and then the bed rooms the living room was taken care of by the boys which made me upset cause I wanted to help but Sting wanted to show off and made the boys do the same us girls just giggled and shook our heads at our guys.

"Well this is were we start our lives together" Sting said smiling at me then started to unpack

"Yup can't wait" I said smiling back then helped him

With the two of us unpacking it went a bit fast considering Sting got all playful and started to tickle me or chase me around the house, really all that was heard was laughter and well more of it, I knew id love my life with Sting in it everyday and I couldn't wait for it, later after a few more minutes of goofing off we soon finished with unpacking and began with the room we just hung our cloths and put the under cloths in our own drawers after that we smiled at one another and started on the guest room but after we finished we went to our room and sat on the bed chatting for a bit then pressed our foreheads together and smile with our eyes close, this moment was the best and our lives together now just started. 

- Few Years Later-

I was hanging with Akari and Raven for our girls night out we chatted then laughed it was great we went to this restaurant that just opened and it had a lot of stuff to eat and drink but I only got a strawberry banana shake while they got some food.

"So hows things with you and Ren" I smirked at Akari

"Well Ren-kun and I are kind of um...engaged" She said blushing

"Really?! oh my gosh that's great!" Raven and I said together hugging Akari from either side

"What about you and Sting" she asked me

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