"Here I am, complimenting you, and I get hit with a bra."

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I was laughing hysterically, trying to be silent while I watched Ethan and Gray film with Kian and JC.

They had just cut the camera and we were all laughing, talking about the stupid things they all did.

Grayson was currently shirtless and wearing a bra.

He walked over to me and hugged me.

"Please take that off, you look ridiculous."I said trying to unclip it.

He backed away and didn't let me.

"Why? Don't I look hot?" He said posing

"No. It's making me so uncomfy, please take it off." I laughed trying to get it again.

"You're probably right." He said giving up and letting me unclip it. "Wish I looked as hot as you do in just a bra." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

The other boys weren't listening, luckily.

"Gray!" I swung the bra and hit him in the arm causing us both to laugh.



"Here I am, complimenting you, and I get hit with a bra."

I tossed the bra in their pile of junk and flicked Grayson, deciding to join the other boys in the living room.

I sat down on a chair and watched as Grayson walked in after me.

"Aww you took off the bra?" Ethan asked.

"At least cover those up then, gosh." Kian said putting his hands over his eyes.

"Someone said it made them uncomfy." Grayson said looking at me.

"Well it did!" I laughed.

"You can have that bra if you want, none of us need it." JC jokingly offered.

"No it'll be too small for her. She's a double d." Gray chimed in, nonchalantly, thinking JC was being serious.

I instantly felt awkward, while the boys around me laughed.

"Good for you man." Kian said while they all laughed.

"I hate you all." covering my face from embarrassment.


Sorry this is so short, but I wanted to post something and my phone is broken currently so I don't know how often I will be posting for a little while, but I'll try my best!!!! Thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked it! (If you do plz comment and vote) LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!

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