"This is probably one of my favorite places ever."

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I knew once I woke up, I was not going to be able to go back to sleep.

My roommate was sleeping, and a bitch, so I wasn't going to go wake her up.

I was beyond bored.

There was nothing on tv, I couldn't find anything good on Netflix, I've watched all the movies I own, and I was scrolling through the same Instagram posts for the 300th time. 

I was also starving and hadn't gone to the grocery store this week.

So I decided to call Grayson.

I called him twice before he finally picked up.

"Is everything okay?" He asked in a tired voice.

"Yeah, I'm just bored." I said sighing.

"Babe, it's 3 am."

"I know."

"Well then go to sleep."


"Why? Are you scared? I can come over if you need me."

"Awww you're so sweet. I would love it if you came over."

"Did you have a bad dream?"

"No I'm literally not scared, I'm bored."

"What the-if I come over I'm tryna sleep."

"Can we go to the diner, then sleep?"

"Y/N, I just really wanna sleep."

"Please? I'll do whatever you want tomorrow." I said knowing he wouldn't be able to turn it down.

"Whatever I want?"

"Whatever you want." 

"Be there in 10."

"Yes! Bye love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up and got off my bed to change.

I was braless.

I threw on a sports bra, a big sweatshirt, shorts, and fuzzy socks.

I scrolled through my Insta feed for the 301st time. when I finally heard my door open and Grayson shout for me.

I ran out of my room and hugged him tightly.

 "Thank you so much Gray."

"Yeah yeah. Just remember our deal."

"Wow, you're clearly just in this for the sex."

"Hey, it's good sex."

We both laughed and hopped in the car and took off to our favorite diner.

It was your average 1960s themed diner, but it was better than most.

It just had a real old school feel.

Not some fake, brand new one.

We walked inside to see a few people spread out amongst the restaurant.

An old man at the bar, a family of four in a booth in the center, a young couple, and us.

Me and Grayson always sat at the booth in the far left corner.

an adorable woman, probably in her late 60s, came up to us to take our order.

"Hi kids! Can I start you off with some drinks?" She asked.

"Yes. I'll have a water please." Grayson responded

"Alright, and you sweetheart?"

"I'll have the same, thank you."

"I'll be right back with your drinks." she said smiling at us both, then walking back behind the counter and into the kitchen.

"So," Grayson yawned, "what are you getting?"

"Ummm, I think a bacon egg and cheese, side of fries, and a cookies and cream milkshake."

"Can we split the milkshake?"

"Yeah, but you ask for two straws."

"What? Okay."

"I just don't want to."


"Because that's embarrassing."

"You're so weird."

I stuck my tongue out at him as the lady came back and gave us our waters.

"Are y'all ready to order? Or do you need another minute?"

"I think we're ready." I answered.

"Alright, what'll it be?"

"I'll take a Belgium waffle with a side of bacon and a milkshake with two straws please." He said looking at me, smirking when he said the last part.

The lady laughed knowingly and I gave her my order also.

"That wasn't embarrassing at all."

"Okay sorry I get embarrassed easier than you."

"You're just a little wimp." He said blowing his straw rapper at me.

"Hey!" I rolled mine into a ball and flicked it at him.

Our food came really fast since there wasn't really anyone here.

I freaking SCARFED down my egg sandwich and it was heavenly.

I really have a thing for those.

Grayson had finished his Belgium waffle and we were both still eating my fries and drinking our milkshake. 

"This is probably one of my favorite places ever." I said out of the blue




"I don't know. I just like it here."

"Well so do I , but I don't know if I'd classify it as one of my favorite places ever. There's gotta be a better reason."

"I don't know, I guess it's because I've been here so many times with you. We came here when my ex dumped me, when you finally asked me out, when my grandma died, when you were fighting with Ethan, whenever we just wanna talk and clear our heads. Our first kiss was in that parking lot. We've been through so much at this diner."

"I guess you're right."

"It's like my happy place. Ya know? It's where everything gets better, as stupid as that may sound." 

"No, it doesn't sound stupid. Not at all. I think it might be one of my favorite places now too." He grabbed my hand from across the table and intertwined our fingers.

No, I was wrong.

He was my happy place.


Thanks to all my lovely readers!!!!!! If you liked this please vote and leave me a comment!!!!!!

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