"Your brother is just jealous that he doesn't have a girlfriend."

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You and Grayson were madly in love.

You had moved to LA just over a year ago for school, and you met Grayson, your neighbor, the day you arrived.

You two immediately became friends, then best friends, then much more.

You had been dating for 6 months, and tonight you were meeting his mother for the first time.

Nervous was an understatement.

She was visiting from New Jersey and you were going to dinner with her, Ethan, and Grayson.

You were meeting them at the restaurant.

You were rushing around, making sure you looked okay.

You were so anxious.

You had to look good, be polite, arrive on time.

Arrive on time- shit you had to leave.

You did a once over in the mirror, checking your outfit, suddenly regretting your choice of black jeans, a nice shirt, and heels, instead of a dress.

You didn't have time to change now.

You grabbed your purse and locked your apartment door behind you.

As you hopped in your car, your phone buzzed.

It was a text from Grayson saying they were leaving their mom's hotel now.


You pulled into the parking lot 15 minutes later and sent a text to Grayson letting him know you were there.

He sent back asking you to get them a table and said that they'd be there in 5.


Your palms were sweating at how nervous you were.

What if she hated you?

What if she didn't think you were good enough?

What if she thought you were stupid?

Or she just disagrees with everything you say?

Oh shit.

You didn't even get to have a pep-talk from Grayson since you guys didn't come together. 

Oh fuck.

Here they come.

You stood up and hugged Grayson saying "hi" to everyone.

You hugged Ethan after, then came Mrs. Dolan.

"It's so nice to meet you." She said opening her arms.

"You too." You gladly accepted the hug and sighed with relief because it wasn't awkward.

You and Grayson sat on one side of the booth, and Ethan and Mrs. Dolan on the other.

"Gray, she is so beautiful, how did you manage to get her to go out with you?" Mrs. Dolan joked making you blush.

"Mom, all the ladies dig me." Grayson joked putting his arm around you.

"Yes they do." you agreed, then turned to Mrs. Dolan, "I have to tell him things like that so he can sleep at night."

Grayson's cocky smile dropped and Mrs. Dolan laughed.

"Wow Gray, you really did pick a good girl." 

*After Dinner*

We walked outside of the restaurant and started to say our goodbyes.

You hugged Ethan, then Mrs. Dolan (lol part 2)

"It was so nice to meet you Mrs. Dolan." you said, as you both pulled away from your hug. "I had such a fun night. Thanks for letting me continue to date this dweeb." you ruffled Grayson's hair.

"It was nice meeting you too, and thank you for making him happy."

"Hopefully I can see you again before you leave." you said, then turned to Grayson.

"Yeah you'll see her again. Maybe tomorrow after our date, or the day after that." Grayson said.

"Tomorrow you three should spend some family time together, we can just reschedule." 

"No! You two can still go on your date!" Mrs. Dolan interrupted.

"No it's no big deal. I want you guys to spend time together before you leave. I insist."

"You are the sweetest." 

"Thank you." you smiled. "Now, it's getting late, and I have to workout in the morning, so I'll text you tomorrow, and I'll see the rest of you soon."

"Bye Babe." Grayson hugged you and pecked your lips sweetly. "Love you."

"Love you too." you walked to your car and smiled at how amazing the night went.

Lol @ you for being a stupid nervous bitch.

Grayson's POV

I watched Y/N walk away and smiled. 

She was perfect.

"Grayson, honey, you found yourself an amazing girl. She's respectful, caring, nice, and she's very pretty." My mom said.

"I know, I'm a lucky guy. I really love her mom."

"I can tell. you're lucky and so is she. I'm so happy for you Gray. But make sure you're good to her, okay? "

"Trust me mom, I am."

"Ughh, sorry to kill the moment, but can we leave?" Ethan said making us laugh.

"Yeah, let's go."

"Your brother is just jealous that he doesn't have a girlfriend." my mom said.

"Shots!" I yelled laughing.

"Y'all rude as hell." Ethan said stomping off to the car.

It was nice to finally see my mom again, and that she likes Y/N.

I have to plan something fun to do with my two girls this week.

I also have to text Y/N and tell her my mom loves her.

I really am lucky.

Grayson Dolan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now