"Come on. We're doing this."

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It was almost midnight, and we were still cruising through random streets, avoiding all our responsibilities.

It was my first time riding in Grayson's Ford Bronco, and you could say I was in love with it.

We were talking about anything and everything, as we always did.

I first became friends with the Dolans when they moved to LA.

We were neighbors, I needed help getting my couch upstairs, and the rest is history.

I was close with both of the boys, but me and Gray had a different connection.

It always felt like something more than friends, but I never knew how he felt.

We were super super close.

We told each other everything.

At least that's what he THOUGHT.

"You've never kissed anyone?!" He asked completely shocked.

"Oh my god! No Gray I haven't! Can we just drop it?! It's so embarrassing! I'm freaking 17!" I said covering my face with my hands.

"No it's not."

"Uhh yes it is! You're just trying to make me feel better."

"No. It means you didn't have one of those dumbass middle school kisses that all of the world regrets having."

"Yeah, it also means I'm a loser."

"Shut up Y/n. No it does not."

"Yes it does Gray! Do you know how embarrassing it is?! People always ask me and I just avoid the question. Like sorry no one wants me!"

"What?! That's not why you haven't had your first kiss! Guys always try to get with you! You're just too good for them."

"Thanks..? Whatever it doesn't even matter I just wanna get the stupid thing over with! I hate how people make such a big deal out of it. It's literally just a kiss!"

"You wanna just get it over with?"

"Yes! For the love of god! As soon as possible!"

"Alright." Grayson pulled over the car on some random street and put it in park.

"What are you doing?" I asked suddenly nervous.

"Come on. We're doing this."


"You said you want to get it over with, so come on. Kiss me."

"Oh heeeelllll no."


"Because! This," I said making ridiculous gestures between us, "is very awkward."

"Who cares! Like you said, it's just a kiss."

"Okay, but like, I'm probably really bad and I'm not trying to humiliate myself or than I already have tonight."

"First off, you didn't humiliate yourself at all. Second off, wouldn't you rather just kiss me, someone you're comfortable with?"

"I don't know... I guess?"

"It'll be fine. And after tonight, you'll no longer have it stressing you out."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."


We both took off our seat belts and turned towards each other.

"Holy shit Gray, I'm so awkward what the heck."

He laughed. "Calm down Y/n. You'll be okay."

"Uhh, I don't really know what to do from here."

Grayson Dolan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now