"You like him, don't you?"

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Note: This is long so get your popcorn

Pretty much throughout our whole friendship, I had been helping Grayson get girls.

He'd come to me for advice, or I'd give him pointers here and there, and he wasn't exactly the most successful when it came to talking to girls, but he'd get some numbers here and there.

It always kinda sucked though because I had to give him, who I just so happened to be in love with, advice on how to get other girls.

The cliche "I'm in love with my best friend" bullshit, I know, trust me.

But boi did it fucking sting every time he'd find a girl and ask me how he should approach her or tell me how "hot" she was and all that jazz.

The friend zone sucks ladies and gents!!!

A B C your fucking way out of it.

Tonight, Grayson, Ethan and I decided we weren't going to be awkward, hermit-like teenagers, staying home and binge watching the office, heck to the no!

We were going to be social.

Shocking really.

There was some party going on and we figured, hey, either it's good and we have fun, or it's lame and we peace.

I was wearing your basic high-waisted black jeans with rips in the knees, a very low cut body suit (decided to yolo tonight), and some black booties.

I put on more makeup than usual, making sure I didn't look cakey, and straightened my hair.

I literally was a new person.

E shot me a text saying they were outside my apartment and I headed outside to meet them.

I walked to their car, trying not to tripp in my heeled booties, knowing I'd never hear the end of it.

"Sup bitches." I said, ungracefully sliding into their DM's. Jk into the backseat of the car.

"Shit Y/n." Ethan said from the driver's seat, turning around to check me out. "You look HOT." He said violently bumping his head to the word "hot" making me laugh.

"Thanks E. And look at you with the clean shave. Ayeee somebody's getting some tonight."

"Well I mean you know." He said jokingly making a fuck boi face, rubbing his hands together.

Grayson hadn't said anything.

I slid to the seat behind Ethan so I could talk to Grayson.

"Hi Gray." I said secretly hoping he would look at me   all done up and just for once think of me as more than a friend.

Psh like this stupid outfit could do that.

"Hi." He said jaw clenched, refusing to turn around, looking ahead.

"Alrighty then." I said buckling up as Ethan started down the road.

"Don't mind him Y/n, he's on his period."

"Well dang, even I'm not that rude on my period." I said playing along.

"Can you guys just leave me alone." He grunted.

"Who wants music?" Ethan asked changing the subject.

Grayson Dolan imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें