Chapter 9

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Lilliana POV

As I was walking home today from my photo shoot, I was thinking about Jae. Weird, right? I was so deep in thought that my head hit something hard, and I fell on the ground, groaning.

"Ouch..." I groaned. I looked up, seeing a fucking pole! I rubbed my forehead, trying to make the pain go away. I stood up, and looked angrily at the pole.

"Stupid pole, interrupting my thoughts." I mumbled. I kicked the pole. "Ouch, my foot!" I said. I started hopping on one foot, until the pain was mild. What a day! I thought.

I looked around if anyone was looking. I heard someone chuckling quietly. I looked to see where the sound was coming from. Brian! He was following me! Oh God, why so many stalkers in my life?

I looked at him startled, and changed my expression so that I was laughing nervously.

"Go on," he said, looking like he was waiting for something. "You stopped? I wanted to see the act." I blushed as red as a tomato.

He saw it all? What a day... More and more surprises. Oh joy! I thought.

"Sorry!" I said, "I was just mad at the pole. Things have been happening and yeah."

"I have a surprise for you," he said.

"Really, what is is it?" I walked towards him, and I was smiling. He clapped his hands twice, and I was internally getting really excited.

"I missed you Lilly," the voice said calmly. I knew that voice. I looked at the person who stood before me. My smile faded away, tears started forming in my eyes, and I dashed home.

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