Collateral Damage - Moving In

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"Wake up sweetheart," my mom whispered as she shook me lightly. I groaned.

"Already here?" I asked while rubbing my eyes and stretching.

"Yeah, all our stuff is in the trunk, the rest will come tomorrow in the van," she replied beaming at me. "Come on, let's get your stuff!"

 She seemed to be having an internal battle with herself before she turned to look at me. She stared deeply at me  and tucked a loose hair strand carefully behind my ear. I blushed. "Mom stoop!-"

 "I love you so much honey and you know that," she said softly--interrupting me.

 "Yeah yeah," I replied grinning sheepishly. Smiling, I undid my seatbelt and hopped out of the car.

"Here sweetie come help me with this luggage," my mom called out. I happily walked over to wear my mom was standing and grabbed the luggage before being swiftly jerked back.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I muttered. That luggage weighed a ton! So much for that idea…

 "Oh, are you alright? I should've known!" I could tell my mom was trying to suppress a laugh. But soon we were both in a fit of giggles.

 "I don’t like you right now mom," I replied, trying to sound convincing. This only resulted in her laughing harder. Turning around I took a good look at what was soon going to be our new house. Time seemed  to came to a stop as I admired the grand  beauty of the house that was in front of me. My dad standing next to me had a satisfied look on his face, I knew he was in awe as well. It was breathtaking! The glory standing in front of us was a elegant, sand colored, two-story house, which had a nice suburban feel to it. The wooden  porch gave it a nice, homely feeling and the green shrubs glowed in the sunlight (although it was November). The lawn was a gorgeous shade of green and the flowers looked as if they had just been freshly picked and made for us! I was going to love it here--I knew it. However, the luggage--well that was another story. 


By the time we had finished unpacking we were exhausted. No, not exhausted but physically and mentally drained. The living room looked pretty empty with all the missing furniture that was soon to come, but it still had a nice feel to it. I slumped against the numerous boxes that lined up our house-- which turned out to be a big mistake! Accidentally, sitting to far back, I felt something behind start to tip over. Before I knew it, the stack of boxes had tumbled over -- on me. Ooof! That earned a few laughs from my parents and a knot on my forehead.

“Ow!” I groaned, rubbing my head. 

 Feeling defeated, I went to check on my parents who were now setting up their room. It was pretty large with cream walls, a night stand, and a king mattress. Lucky! I thought.  I, however, was stuck with a queen mattress—how unfair! Searching through the boxes I soon found one that read ‘clothes’—yeah I was going to need them. Trotting up the never ending stairs, I reach what was soon to be my room. Opening the door, I gazed around the blank space. Some changes definitely needed to be made. Dumping the box hurriedly on the floor I take a seat in the center of my room. Yeah, I'm extremely weird if you didn't know that already. This sitting soon turns to laying and I end up on my back. Stretching, I let out a long yarn. “I could really use some sleep,” I mutter half awake, and that’s exactly what I do as I peacefully drift off into Dreamland. I dont know how long I was out  but I'm awoken to the ear splitting noises of someone screaming. Dusting myself off and fixing my hair, I exit my room and approach the stairs.

“Annieeee!” my mother shouts. A few seconds later she repeats ,“Annieeee!” 

God damn it! I’m up woman! Grumbling, I slowly walk down the stairs. What could she want?

“I just wanted to let you know that we’ll be meeting our neighbors soon”, she says, but stops before adding “And we’ll also be going out tonight, so get dressed. Our little celebration for moving and all, “ she replies smiling at me. I look back and forth between mom and dad--your shitting me right? They both give me dissaproving looks, which I return with a frown. Sigh.   

"I'll start getting ready," I reply groggily. Smiles suddenly light up their faces. Wow, my family is really something else. I slowly retreat up the stairs and into my room as I rummage around for an outfit.

Black shirt? No. Jeans? No. Skirt? No. Almost giving up, I spot a black one shouldered dress sitting in a pile at the corner of my room. “Yes, yes, yes!” I say squealing.  Satisfied with the dress, I search for some shoes—which were left downstairs. Wow, just great.

Finally done, I settle on the black dress and some red pumps. My hair was in soft, brown, tousled curls and the make-up was kept to a minimum—with slight blush and eyeliner around the rim of my light brown eyes. I threw on a few of my mom’s bracelets—as I had yet to find my own and ran down the stairs, almost tripping. Forever clumsy.

Arriving downstairs, my parents look at me as if I'm an alien. Shrugging, I look at the both of them, snapping my fingers in their faces.


Quickly snapping out of their dazes, my mom clears her throat. “Why don’t we get going then?”

Almost forgetting to inspect their outfits, I notice my mom is wearing a navy blue strapless dress with black heels. Her dark brown hair was straightened to perfection and her hazel eyes glowed. My dad on the other hand looked young and charming in his black suit and navy tie. As we left our house, I took one good look at it . After hopping into the car, were soon speeding down the road. Maybe I would actually like it here--just maybe.

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