Collateral Damage - Craziness in the Air

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I would have never guessed that Lana was being abused by her father at home, but it shocked me when I found out. Not only was she bullied at school, but practically at home too—it just made we want to stick by her side forever. After she told me about her life at home, I couldn’t help it as silent tears trickled down my face, but I quickly wiped them away before anyone would notice. I was angry at her father--angry at the world for doing such cruel things to amazing people. As our French class ended, I assured her that everything would be alright and gave her my number.

“Here Lana, take this.” I said softly. “If you need anything, I mean anything don’t hesitate to ask--call --teleport --whatever, okay?”

“Yeah.” She said nodding her head. “I’ll do it.”

“Do it for me.” I said with pleading eyes.

“Okay.” She whispered.

Luckily we had English II together next period, so I decided to walk with her to our class. The hallways were full of murmurs as people spotted the two of us together, which infuriated me even more. Oh please!  We walked in an awkward silence before she decided to speak up again.

“You know you didn’t have to do this.” She stated calmly.

“I did, what am I –heartless?” I retorted.

That seemed to shut her up, but we soon rounded the corner to our 2nd period.

English rolled by pretty smoothly; we were given a 3 paged essay on “the need for electronics in school” to write by tomorrow. I hated essays, but maybe this one wouldn’t be so bad. Our teacher, Mr. Quinn, was pretty fun, and English was one of my favorite subjects—so I figured the essay wouldn’t be so horrible after all.

 The bell rang in the midst of one of my essay ideas, which distracted me making me forget it. Groaning, I gathered my papers and stuffed them in my bag-- slinging it over one of my shoulders. Saying my goodbyes to Lana, I exited the classroom. Next period was P.E. Somebody pray for me please, because I absolutely hate that class.

Because it was my second day at Jonesville High, I didn’t have to participate in the day’s activity. But I had Trent and Liam this period. Trent was wearing loose black basketball shorts and a gray fitted exercise shirt, which proudly presented his muscles. I could perfectly see the outlines of his chest and six pack—or was it an eight pack? Nonetheless, he looked good. I was glad that I wasn’t the only girl gawking at him, as were, practically all of the female population in this class. Then there was Liam.

Liam’s electrifying green eyes, held my gaze for quite some time, before his full lips curved into a beautiful smile. He also looked great, as he was wearing the same pair of basketball shorts as Trent and a white short sleeved top. Walking over to me, he simpered.

“Why aren’t we playing dodge ball missy?” he asked grinning widely.

“Oh you know-- can’t really play because it’s only my second day here.” I replied.

“Oh, I see—tomorrow then?” he asked curiously.

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