Collateral Damage - "The New Girl"

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As I took a few nervous steps into the classroom, I noticed everyone stopped dead of what they were doing and either started whispering or staring at me.  I could feel their eyes burning holes in my back, causing me to shift from foot to foot uncomfortably. 

The teacher who had been writing things down on the board, finally turned around, acknowledging my presence. Mumbling words incoherently to herself, she gave me a small smile—which of course-- I returned.

“Well class—we have a new student,” she announced. “Care to tell them who are?” she whispered.

I slowly nodded my head. “Um, hi, I’m uh-An-Anne Graceman.” I stuttered. The class was silent--so silent that you could hear a pin drop. Say something already.

As if hearing my thoughts a boy called out “She’s hot!” Slapping hands and patting backs his group of friends soon calmed down, which earned a few laughs from the students and my face to heat up. I couldn’t help it, as a smile started to form on my face.

That wasn’t the best welcome, but hey, he called me hot!

Shuffling around the classroom, I found an empty seat next to a girl, who seemed nice and if not-- friendly. Finally deciding that was where I wanted to sit, I plopped down in the seat.

She turned to look at me as her face was deep in her textbook. Adjusting her big framed glasses, she introduced herself to me, smiling with a mouth full of braces, before returning right back to her textbook.

“Hi, I’m Lana.”

“Oh, well I’m uh- I’m Anne, nice to meet you?” I stuttered, giving her a doubtful smile.

She was really pretty, but the big framed glasses and braces didn’t help her in the best of ways. Her wavy chocolate brown hair, cascaded smoothly down her back, and her green eyes sparkled.

“You seem really popular already around here, are you sure this is really your first day?” She said, not glancing up from her textbook.

I chuckled, “Yeah, it actually is.”

“Well if you need anything, here’s my number.” Scribbling some things down on a paper, she folded it up and  tossed it over her table and onto mine.

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

“No problem”, she said quickly glancing around the room. “And if you couldn’t already tell I’m known as the sophomore’s biggest nerd, book worm, bibliophile, blue stocker—shall I go on?”

“Um, no?” I replied uncertainly.

“Good, well you might want to leave now before I lower your social status.” With that, she returned to her books.

That didn’t go all too well...

Tapping my pen impatiently on the desk and glancing around, the bell soon rang—signaling the end of class. Looking over my schedule, I realized I had lunch next. God, please help me.

 I took small steps, until I eventually reached the large cafeteria. Taking everything in around me, my hand was jerked and squeals erupted from the figure in front of me. Dumfounded, I looked up to notice Ariel beaming at me. Struggling against her iron grip, I finally freed myself, wincing in pain. “That is definitely going to leave a mark.” I thought, noticing red marks starting to form on the outline of my hand.

“You’re sitting with me—you’re not going anywhere.” She said playfully, smiling at me. That sounded pretty creepy—more like an order if you asked me.

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