Collateral Damage - Sneaky Little Things

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I was so furious. Furious couldn’t even describe how I was feeling. I was angry at myself, for actually thinking he liked me. I am such a fucking fool. As for Ariel, I should’ve known. I guess the rumors were true about her—once a slut, always a slut. I remember the smirk she threw at me, after she had Trent wrapped around her finger. To think she was actually my friend.

Taylor ended up driving me home, being the real friend here and asked if I was alright.


“You alright Anne?” she questioned worriedly.

I silently nodded my head before giving her a tight-lipped smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

I could tell she didn’t believe it for a second, but she left it at that. She drove in silence until we neared my house. Pulling up to my driveway, she unlocked the doors, motioning for me to get out.

“You know where I live?!” I inquired unbelievably.

“Um, yeah” she replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re one of her next door neighbors.”

“Y-yeah—I almost forgot about that…” I stuttered, while removing my seatbelt.

She chuckled at this. “Only you Anne…” she muttered under her breath. Hey! I heard that!

“Thanks for the ride again Taylor,” I shouted out as I walked toward my door.

“No problem!” she yelled through the rolled-down passenger seat window, before speeding off again.

Checking my phone to see what time it was, I noticed it was exactly 8:45 in the evening. Someone should definitely be home.

Knocking on the white oak door, I observed my dad peeking through the window right next to it, to see who it was. He smiled brightly as he noticed it was only me—only I didn’t return the smile all too well…

“Whoa, looks like someone had a rough night” he murmured quietly. Oh, trust me, someone did.


I was currently drumming my fingers on my phone—did Candy Crush take this long to load—ugh! Quietly humming the lyrics to ‘Sweater Weather’ the screen loaded and Facebook popped up. No wonder it was taking so long to load! As, I was about the click the Candy Crush icon someone’s post quickly caught my eye, of course being none other than Ariel. I scoffed my eyes scanned through her status.

Some people just don’t know when to stop’ it read.

 I know that message was intentionally directed at me, but I decided I would be the bigger person and completely ignore it. Some people can be such bitches I think, mocking her. Two can play this game, Ariel. I’ll just pull the good girl card; trust me that will always work. Silently scrolling down my News Feed on my IPhone, I relax seeing what the rest of Facebook has to offer.

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