The End

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I'm actually doing it... I'm sorry!

What's going on?... I can't remember anything.. (Y/n)..? I'm sorry...

Sully's P.O.V

Heh.. I have Liu out. I could feel myself take control over Liu's body. I got up from the bed Jeff took me in when Liu passed out.

It feels great to take full control! Haha!

"Liu, are you feeling better?" Jeff came in bringing a glass of water.

"Oh, yes. So much better" I grinned.

"Good, you got me worried when you soon fell to the floor looking really pale" he handed me the glass of water.

"That was nothing. I'm fine now" I took the glass.

"(Y/n) fell asleep and everyone else went out on a killing spree, I just wanted to stay to make sure you were doing better.." He sat down next to me.

"That's really kind of you." I looked at the glass and dumped the water to to floor, "Oops"

"Hey, what was that for?" Jeff looked at me.

I couldn't hold my laughter out, "Jeffrey! Hahaha!" Jeff widened his eyes in realization, before he could do anything I smashed the glass into his face falling to the floor with a puddle of blood underneath him. "Poor brother, now where's (Y/n)" I cooed making my way out the door.

"D-dad?" (Y/n) was out the corridor, she walked up to me and looked inside the room... She was frightened when she saw Jeff, "D-dad... W-what?.." She stuttered out stepping away from me, I grabbed her (Color of hair) hair curling it around my finger.

"How it feels to finally meet you... (Y/n)." I kneeled down. She was scared. She couldn't move nor talk just shake. "How I love the look on your face" I started to get closer to her.

"You're not.." "Shh.. I know." I cut her off, "Gyah!" She slapped me taking the opportunity to run downstairs, "BEN! E.J!" She yelled for help, I growled, "You little!" I ran towards her taking out my knife, she looked so frighten. She then ran outside. "Smart child" I chuckled to myself.

You're P.O.V

"Dad! Why!" You kept on running tears streaming down your face. It was dark outside you turned around and saw what you thought was your dad wasn't behind you, you turned back around and tripped on a twig that was sticking out.. Scrapping your knee.

"Ow.." You laid there crying, knowing you couldn't do anything.

"(Y/n)? Where are you? You know child, you can't hide from me"

He called out.

You couldn't hurt him, you can't hurt him... You couldn't do anything. "Stay away from me.." You mumbled quietly. You started to hear foot steps crunching underneath the dead leaves.

You got up slowly and tried to walk to the neighborhood that was not far from the location you were in the woods. You cried knowing you won't make it, "Hello again, (Y/n)" you turned around and saw him.. You tried to get away but he'd simply pull you by your hoodie and throw you to the ground.

"Why are you crying? Do you want daddy?" He knelt down and forced you to look at him, "You.. M-monster" you held his hand, his eyes were darker.. They weren't the bright emerald eyes that greeted you every time. His voice was deeper.. It wasn't  the one you remembered when he would talk to you.

He was different...

He would kick you and pull you back up.. By the time he kept on doing that.. You were already tired of fighting back... "This is why I should've killed you" you looked up at him, confused by what he meant.

Homicidal Liu x Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now