Chapter Four

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Even at the entrance of the school, it was dark. Everyone forces to walk in army fashion. No magically feeling to the school. No hope or happiness. Just loneliness and sorrow. We finally arrive to the Great Hall and everyone sits at their own tables.

Snape stands center stage along with two Death Eaters on either side. All of the other teachers sit in the back, fear and worry covering their faces. The muggle studies teacher is also gone. I spot my twin over at the Gryffindor table, meaning my family got out safely. The first years march into the Great Hall, most with fear covering their faces. Each one takes turns being sorted into a house. At least that didn't change. However, anyone not being put in Slytherin are terrified of what will happen. Soon, the last first year sits down at his table.

"Welcome," Snape drones. "There are a few new rules. First off, if anyone is somehow helping Potter, you will be punished. You shall go to class, dorms, and here unless you are for detention. Now let me introduce Alecto and Amycus Crow, your new professors."

I look at the siblings. Both have the same terrifying features from the dark abyss they call eyes to their pasty skin. Their eyes seems to burn into everyone's souls, threatening us to make a move. Finally, food appear upon the tables and everyone starts eating. The only noise that fills the hall is the sound of silverware hitting the plates. Eventually everyone exits to head to their dorms. I change into my pajamas and sit on my bed.

"I bet you're going to have to retake last year," Pansy chuckles.

"Yeah right," I mutter, though knowing there is a high possibility that will happen.


I pull myself out of bed and pull on my uniform before heading downstairs. Draco meets me by the staircase before we head to the Great Hall. The entire time, people stare at us.

"Do I have something on my face?" I mutter to Draco.

"No. They just want to see what you do."

Draco and I sit down at the schedules are being passed out. Once mine is my hands, I glance it over to make sure everything is in order. Only just to see it is the same as last year.

"This has to be wrong," I mutter.

"Huh?" Draco asks. I hand him my paper and he glances it over. "That is so weird."

A letter soon drops in my lap, summing me to the headmaster's office. I groan and get up to head to the office. First day of school and I'm already in trouble. Which I think the fact Death Eaters are in charge had something to do with it.

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